Saturday, March 6, 2021

Saturday ReView: Clover Deviled Eggs and DIY Barbie St. Patrick's Day Selfie

How about making some Clover Deviled Eggs to add to your St. Patrick's Day fun this year! They only require a little green food coloring and a star or shell icing tip. Use your favorite recipe for the filling, this is really all about the presentation:@)

Even though most of our St. Patrick's Day celebrations have been cancelled this year, Barbie still wanted to pop in with a quick holiday selfie... While we may not be able to gather in groups for big parties, let's be thankful for the special folks around us and enjoy a smile whenever we can!
Dress patternbraided hair bandfelt tie and mustache props from pipe cleaners.

These Pipe Cleaner Mustache Photo Props are a fun little craft for St. Patrick's Day (and Mardi Gras... and Halloween...). Cute for use with Barbie, Ken, and the kid dolls, they seriously only take a minute to put together. Any pipe cleaner will work, I used bump chenille and a tinsel pipe cleaner for these pictures.

 All you need is a pipe cleaner, something for a 'stick' to hold it up to the doll's nose and some glue. My stick is an extra long toothpick (the kind they use to hold a sandwich together).

 This pic is a little dark, but here's what the tinsel pipe cleaner looks like... Rather dapper😎

And we made one for Santa:@)

 Not much of a tutorial here folks, I think you get the idea from the pictures. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day planning and have a great weekend:@)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!