Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Philadelphia Eagles Charm Bracelet Update

Way back in 2015 I shared that I started creating a Philadelphia Eagles Charm Bracelet, and it didn't take long to fill out... ~But, and here's my deep dark secret~ the first game I wore it was a game where Carson Wentz got hurt. Yep. If you're a sports fan, there's a good chance you're just a tad superstitious, um, yea. So....... It has lived in a zip top bag in a drawer for years. I decided it needed to be exorcised for the demons to be gone. I needed to add something new for good vibes...

 I gave it some thought, what was missing??? 
Considering my world... PINK!
But not just any pink...

Ha-gotta love it:@)

Footballs are pigskin. 
Pigs are good luck.
We like to pig out on game day.

I'm Happier Than A Pig In Mud
to be able to wear my bracelet again:@)

Have a happy day:@)


  1. I cracked up when you said you stuck it in a drawer and now it is 'exorcised'. Too funny, I have two old charm bracelets, that need to be exorcised from bad boyfriends...LOL!

  2. Oh my! Now it really is perfect! I have a Cowboys charm bracelet now and need to add some charms. Now you have me wondering what I'm missing. Hugs!

  3. Oh, yeah, Bill is very superstitious when it comes to the Packers, too. I should start a charm bracelet for Katie. She'd love it!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!