Saturday, August 17, 2024

Garden Winding Down, Fall Revving Up, and Getting Ready...

Well folks, another pretty successful gardening year is beginning to come to a close. One of the most amazing plants, my grape tomato in the large planter, was pulled. Oh how I wish I could get a picture that showed just how spectacular this plant was. The vines grew about 12-15 feet long, went up over the trellis, and bent back down. 

And right up to the day I pulled it out, 
it was making beautiful yellow flowers and itty tomatoes.
But it was getting messy, and it was time.

A shocking difference...
But now I have room for a big pumpkin:@)

And speaking of pumpkins,
these little guys are from my son's garden:@)
I'm hoping he shares, because I think I see a couple Barbie size onesπŸ˜‚ We will see...

And since retail waits for no one... I did treat myself to a new Bethlehem Lights Christmas wreath during QVC's Christmas in July finale. Just testing it with cheap batteries to make sure it worked before I put it away for a couple months. Super bright lights, many functions, and I look forward to setting the timer and having it greet me every day after work. Fluffing and shaping will wait until Thanksgiving:@)

🌻Have a Great Weekend,
and Grab it When You See It😊

1 comment:

  1. Your garden is amazing, and I’m living your son’s pumpkins. Your new wreath will be a welcome sight when you come home from work.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!