Saturday, July 22, 2023

Trash To Treasure -Garden Obelisk & The Barbie Movie!!!

I'm always tickled to find something fun on the curb on trash day, and this garden obelisk is a winner:@) While not huge, it's a very good size to help corral my large pot of zinnias. About 4' tall and the bottom bar is 7" long, it was probably marketed as 8" with the way the legs are on an angle. I found it right before the flowers started blooming, so it could be added to the pot without too much effort or disruption. 

The rust adds a ton of character.
As a matter of fact,
I'll probably lightly sand the top star
so it rusts a bit quicker too💗.

All I can say about Barbie The Movie is...
There's a lot going on in it.
The best description so far, it's deep.
And yes, PG13.
This is a busy week...
We have Shark Week and Christmas in July too!

Have a great weekend:@)

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, I love that object you found to put in your pot of flowers. I am looking forward to seeing the Barbie movie when it dies down a little bit.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!