Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Bush's Best All-American Chili Recipe & Chili Round-Up

I've made several different Chili recipes over the years and think I'll continue on with trying the name brand ones when I find them... This Bush's Best All-American Chili is an easy recipe with minimal ingredients, and we start with a can of flavored beans. I found that the tomato paste makes this a nice thick stew with a robustly tomato flavor. It also calls for more green pepper than any other chili recipe I've seen. Of all the chili's I've had, I'd say this the least sweet, so if your crew is cutting back on sugar you might want to try it. Overall this is a nicely flavored, middle of the road chili that should appeal to most, and one that I might serve with hot sauce for heat lovers, and BBQ sauce for sweet lovers, on the side.
One last thing, I think there's enough sauce to stretch this a little further and add an extra can of rinsed beans of your choice. And I forgot the cheese again😕

The recipe I saw on Pinterest:
Easily cut in half...

Eat well and Have a Happy Day:@)


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