Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hola! It's Cinco de Mayo, and Woo-Hoo Wednesday!

Please be sure to join Marla at Always Nesting for some guacamole!
These little piggies went to town, 
and apparently had one too many Margaritas! 
(they're cute little camera hogs though...)
Happy Cinco de Mayo!


  1. LOL. They look like they are singing!

  2. Oh how cute. Lurve me some piggies.

  3. Thank you so much for your patience with Woo Hoo! Wednesday and my linky issues. I'm ready to blow up my computer but I won't cuz now I'm sitting here, giving in that I can't get my instructions correct. Oh, well. Let's just pretend that my post was perfect, lol :)

    Your post is HILARIOUS!!!! I love those Cinco de Mayo piggies. Woo Hoo!!!!

  4. Love the little gorditos..so darn cute!

  5. Don't let me run into any pigs that cute or I'll have to add them to my pet livestock! Happy Cinco de Mayo to you too.

  6. OMG Lynn, they are so "Stinkin" cute! Get it? Pigs- stinkin? lol! Yep, I really went there... Life is great when you can crack yourself up with bad jokes! I just want to scoop them up and give them piggy kisses all day long! Smelly or not.
    Have a lovely day and a marguerita on us!
    Sparklu hugs,
    Tobi and the Pixies!

  7. You did a splendid job depicting these little pigs. How cute is that!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  8. Totally made me laugh out loud!! Love it!

  9. What darling piggies! This just makes me smile! You need some piggies like mine to go with your collection! (I got them at Ross!)


  10. Cute pigs...hope your cinco was sweet.
    Thanks for visiting and enjoy your day.

  11. Oh how cute! I hope you had a great May 5th day!...Christine


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!