Monday, March 24, 2025

Creamy Garlic Turkey Tetrazzini

Years ago I started a label on the blog called 'new food to me'. The idea was to challenge myself to try new things. Turkey Tetrazzini was on the list. I've heard about it forever, never used spaghetti in a white sauce, and this sounded like a nice meal. My twist on the recipe is, I used two very large cloves of garlic and took a shortcut by using cream of mushroom soup (we are not mushroom connoisseurs here at Pig in Mud:@) There is a ton of flexibility here, alter amounts and additions as desired. We all liked this dinner, the garlic was really nice, and it will be added to the rotation. Although I will say the 9x13 recipe below will feed a lot of people... I'll scale it back to 8x8 the next time.

Turkey Tetrazzini-what I did 
Leftover cooked turkey, about 2 C cubed, or as much as you'd like or have
12 oz thin spaghetti, cooked, drained and run under cold water to cool.
onion, medium, diced
celery, one large stalk sliced
red bell pepper, about 1/2 C, diced
garlic, 2 large cloves, minced
2-3 Tblsp butter
(2) 10 oz cans cream of mushroom soup
1 C half and half
1/2 C chicken broth
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
up to 1/2 C parmesan cheese-I used a 2.5oz jar of grated
1 C (or more) frozen peas, thawed
S&P to taste
  1. Cook onion, celery and red pepper in butter, cook for about 5 minutes.
  2. Add garlic and extra butter if needed. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for 1-2 minutes to release flavor.
  3. Stir in soup, half and half, broth, and cheese.
  4. Heat and stir until all is incorporated.
  5. Add some salt and pepper.
  6. Stir in spaghetti, turkey and peas.
  7. Pour into 9x13 casserole dish.
  8. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes or until heated through.
Eat Well and Have a Happy Day:@)

My New Foods List:
(If my sons happen to read this... relax! I still promise fairly "normal" Sunday dinners...)
hominy ~ artichokes ~ fish sauce (I'm scared)leeks ~ almond paste ~ oyster sauce (scared again) ~ gorgonzola ~ dates ~ brisket ~ parsnips ~ adobo ~ meringue powder ~ fennel ~ goat cheese (I'm told to be scared) ~ souffle ~ red velvet anything ~ curry ~ capers ~ chow chow ~ pot stickers ~pho ~ ponzu sauce ~ fondant ~ fire roasted tomatoes ~ Gruyere ~ Quinoa ~ Tetrazzini any kind ~ Divinity ~ Meyer lemon ~ lemon curd ~ shallots ~turkey tenderloin and Chipotle Powder ~ Smoked Turkey Sausage

Friday, March 21, 2025

Inspirational Friday


Have a great weekend:@)

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Peanut Butter Cup Brownies & other pink desserts...

I seem to always have a pouch of brownie mix in the cabinet, it's my one favorite store bought mix. And then my coworker picked up Red Velvet Peanut Butter Cups on clearance after Valentine's Day... So I just had to try some Peanut Butter Cup Brownies. I'm guessing the pink topped candy is out for Easter, and there's green at Halloween... So this is a fun way to add a little something-something extra to a favorite sweet snack:@) I used some pink, some regular peanut butter cups, and made some plain brownies. And we all know sprinkles make it a party...

Best Tips: If using cupcake liners, be sure to use the foil ones. Paper will stick. If using sprinkles, for best presentation, shake them on before adding the peanut butter cups, let's all learn from Lynn's mistakes...

Whether it's a Barbie birthday, 
planning for Easter,
or dreaming of spring...
Other Pink Desserts:

Peanut Butter Cup Brownies
Your favorite brownie mix
Ingredients called for in the mix
Unwrapped Reese's Mini Peanut Butter Cups
Foil liners
  1. Make brownie batter.
  2. Place liners in cupcake tin.
  3. Fill liner about half way, not more.
  4. Variable: Baking time... I did 350 for 25-27 minutes. You'll have to try to gauge doneness as best you can, a test batch is always a good idea before a party:@)
  5. Remove to rack to cool.
Pour a cuppa, enjoy a snack and 
Have a Happy Day:@)

Monday, March 17, 2025

Frank's RedHot Dipping Sauce 5 Ways -Dollar Tree Find

I always say going to Dollar Tree is kind of like going on a scavenger hunt, you never know what you might find. That was the case with this Frank's Golden Dip'n Sauce. They had just gotten a delivery and boxes were stacked on the floor and hadn't even been opened yet... As soon as I saw Frank's, I broke into the box:@) Then I began to wonder what I could do with it, besides dipping chicken nuggets... 

The first thing I made was this super easy Macaroni Chicken Salad. Add whatever you like, onion, peppers, maybe some dill pickle or pickled jalapeno... Then sub the mayo for the Frank's Dipping Sauce, wa-la, a very nice lunch indeed:@) And it doesn't have to be chicken, use pork, tuna, hard boiled eggs, any protein of choice.

It's been a while since we tried something new and Easter is coming... So I thought I'd whip up some Two Ingredient Deviled Eggs with Frank's Dipping Sauce. Yes folks, this adds a nice bar-b-que twist to deviled eggs! I loved the sweetness the sauce added. Simply mash the yolks and add enough sauce to make a smooth filling. I added the pickled jalapeno for garnish, but honestly, these are really best plain. I didn't even need to add S&P.

Other uses for the sauce? 
  • A no-brainer is using it as a dip for potato chips. If your crew likes BBQ chips, they will love this.
  • I heated up some meatballs and Jimmy Dean sausage links, added a toothpick and gave them a good dose of the sauce. An easy and very filling appy for game day.
  • And of course, as indicated earlier, I'm sure it was created to be served with chicken nuggets and similar items. 
What I bought:

Is the sauce hot? The label calls it mild, I'd say there's a hint of heat, kind of what you'd expect from a product made by Frank's Hot Sauce. The back of the bottle says: A smoky and spicy twist on Carolina Gold BBQ Sauce. I say, well worth the $1.25...

Try something new and
Have a Happy Day:@)

Saturday, March 15, 2025

St. Patrick's Day Weekend...

With St. Patty's Day on Monday this year, I'm sure everyone will have a fun filled green weekend:@) I know we have local parades on Saturday, and corned beef and cabbage will be served for Sunday dinner. Thought I'd gather a few things, and share some ideas to add to the fun...

Actually, just the gold corn gifted in those little black leprechaun pots they sell at Dollar Tree would really be cute... Kind of like a pot of gold:@)

And a Philly treat...

Too late for this year, but I'm sure they'll be going on clearance sale soon to tuck away for next year... QVC has some St. Patrick's Day Lock-N-Lock, there are green and gold lids to choose from.

And finally, from all of us at Pig In Mud...
May the sun be warm,
may your beer be cold.
Celebrate this weekend,
you're never too old!

And Have a Happy Day:@)

Friday, March 14, 2025

Inspirational Friday


Don't forget to wear green and
Have a Happy Weekend:@)

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Seeing Green... Barbie's St. Patrick's Day

As we're gearing up for St. Patrick's Day fun: 
Ut oh... What's going on here?

Is Barbie sneaking up on Ken?

Looks like someone forgot to wear green 
for St. Patrick's Day Weekend:@) 

You know the rules...

I'd say the pinch caught him off guard...

And while Ken is a good sport, 
he's off to find his Eagles jersey:@)

🍀Don't forget to wear your green!
Enjoy the festivities,
and Have a Happy Day:@)

Monday, March 10, 2025

Creamy BBQ Sauce -Dip or Sandwich Condiment

One of my mindless diversions is QVC, and as long as I don't buy anything... It's harmless:@) And sometimes I even learn things. I was watching a presentation for Corky's Chicken Bites and the presenter said his favorite condiment is this Creamy BBQ Dipping Sauce. *Please note, this isn't their name for it (I forgot what they call it). Then I started thinking, great with chicken yes, great on a hamburger yes, great with tator tots yes, but as lots of folks are partaking in Fish Fridays, how about fish? Well I'm here to say I give it a big ole yes! No doubt this would really make a great fish sandwich...
Also good with fish: Buff-A-Tar Sauce here.

And as a true dipping sauce with chicken:

Creamy BBQ Dipping Sauce
50/50 your favorite ranch dressing and BBQ Sauce.
~Mix, chill, and serve -yep, it's that easy.

Eat Well and Have a Happy Day:@)

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Barbie Phillies Jersey

Baseball is inching closer folks... Oh this is cute:@) No doubt you can find any team you root for!

Have a great weekend:@)