Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam -No Pectin Recipe

My little strawberry patch did not produce a lot this year. I only ended up with a couple extra cups of small berries, but I did toss them into the freezer as I picked them. Then took a ride over to my son's garden to cut some rhubarb, and a couple hours later... I made No Pectin Strawberry Rhubarb Jam. I usually suggest simple cooking ideas and relaxed recipes here at PIM. This one is more of a weighed ratio recipe, with the wiggle room being the addition of extra sugar if desired. 

Is this fast and easy? While not hard, we do need to plan on an hour or so for the fruit to cook down. **My best suggestion, cook it until your spoon leaves a clean line as you scrape the bottom of the pot... (I made a small batch and did not follow that suggestion this time😕** I cooked mine too long, it got very thick, almost a butter instead of a jam. I will be using the old fashioned spatula method going forward.

No Pectin Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
Weigh your strawberries
Add two times the weight of 1/4” cut rhubarb
Weigh sugar that equals the same as strawberries
Lemon juice, approximately 1 Tblsp per 5 C of fruit-does not need to be exact
  1. Add strawberries and rhubarb to large pot.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar, let sit for about two hours.
  3. Add lemon juice and heat over medium and bring to low boil. Reduce heat to simmer, stir often and mash fruit.
  4. Once sugar dissolves taste and add sugar 1 Tblsp at a time if desired, but keep in mind it will sweeten more as it reduces.
  5. Cook until thick and a spatula scraped across bottom of pot leaves a clear path the width of the spatula.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars, cover and place in refrigerator, -or- remove air bubbles, add lids and rings and process for 10 minutes in hot water bath.
Let's preserve a little bit of summer and
Have a Happy Day:@)

1 comment:

  1. I’ll bet this tasted wonderful and how great that the berries and rhubarb were homegrown.


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