
Friday, August 9, 2013

Got Zucchini??? 10 Great Zucchini Recipes

Here's a round-up of Zucchini Recipes I've posted in the past-I hope the garden is treating you well!

Enjoy the harvest and have a happy weekend:@)

I'm Joining:
Foodie Friday


  1. What a great selection of zucchini recipes. Lots of people have big gardens around here. They say when you go to church, don't leave your car unlocked, or you'll come back to a boat load of zucchini on your back seat :)

    Have a lovely weekend Lynn.

  2. Oh the possibilities! I have yellow squash this year and I am sure it will substitute just fine. Will try the pancakes!

  3. Boy do I have zucchini! And, several of these recipes are calling our name. Thanks a bunch for the bunch of recipes.


  4. Wonderful - my mom was just asking me what to do with all her zucchini so I'm forwarding her your link.

  5. Still getting plenty of zucchini from my daughter. Thanks for a great roundup of zucchini recipes. There are a couple I will be trying for sure. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  6. I have bags and bags of shredded zucchini frozen in my frig. Thanks! Great recipes, Lynn!

  7. Perfect for my plethora of prolific zucchini! :)

  8. Thanks, Lynn! I'm pinning this!
    I'm harvesting from the first and second planting of summer squash, and then I found a pack of zucchini seeds, and planted them, so they will be coming along soon. Why I did it, I am not too sure....

  9. My mouth is watering for that soup. Just the thing to get me over this cold!

  10. They all look so good! I am liking the zucchini and rice side dish a lot!

  11. If only I'd planted zucchini, maybe if I look real sad someone will be kind enough to leave some at my door. You've got so many yummy recipes, love that relish especially!

  12. It ALL looked great - I did not know you could do all that with zucchini. sandie

  13. What great recipes you have shared. I sauteed zucchini with two other types of squash, onion, and garlic and sprinkled on some parmesan cheese - delish! Love goodies from the garden!

  14. I'll forward this link to my daughter-in-law as my son's zucchini patch is very productive this summer!

  15. So many great recipes for the versatile and prolific zucchini! I had to chuckle at Sam's comment :) Your spinach stuffed version looks great!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!