
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cucumbers Overachieving? Need Ideas?

Hey everyone-It's that time of the summer when cukes are abundant so I thought I'd share some ideas! I tried a new (to me) recipe from Rachael Ray and like it a lot! Cucumber and Celery Salad. I love celery and it's not thought of as a main ingredient too often so it caught my eye. This is also a versatile salad, you can sub items and use what you have on hand.
Cucumber and Celery Salad-fresh salad
Add a tray of salami, cheese and crackers and I'd call this dinner!

Cucumber and Celery Salad
3 Tblsp pickle relish
2 Tblsp cider vinegar
3 Tblsp EVOO
1 Seedless cucumber quartered and sliced into 1/2" pieces (You can use a regular cuke, seed and peel it)
5 to 6 ribs of celery from the heart sliced into 1/2" pieces
1/4 C chopped hot or roasted red peppers or 1/2 small bell pepper, whichever you have on hand
1 small jar marinated mushrooms or artichoke hearts or 1 C pickled vegetable salad "giardiniera" chopped
Place relish in bottom of bowl and whisk in vinegar and EVOO. Add veggies, toss and add S&P to taste.

  • I used homemade hot pepper relish, roasted red peppers and giardinera because that's what I had. The cauliflower broke up more than I would have liked.
  • Rachel's a big fan of the celery leaves, be sure to use them too.
  • I don't mind telling you, the bowl is sitting next to me as I type-it's very good:@)
Here are a few more things I've posted over the last couple summers-click title for recipe.

Pickle Pot-fridge pickles

Bread and Butter Pickles-fridge pickles

Mustard Dill Cucumber Salad-fresh salad

Freezer Dills-freezer pickles

Have fun and enjoy what the garden gifts you:@)
I'm joining:
It's A Keeper Thursday
Full Plate Thursday
Under $100 Linky Party
Foodie Friday


  1. I love cucumbers. I make marinated cucumbers often and a creamy variety, too, but haven't gotten a good snap shot to share on my blog as of yet...on my to-do list ; ) Thanks for sharing. I wish cucumbers were growing here. I think it's too hot.

  2. That salad looks so good and refreshing. I love cucumbers and celery. Lots of yummy pickles also.

  3. I love cucumbers. All of these recipes look so good. I especially want to try your fridge pickle recipe.

  4. been having a cucumber and tomato salad every night here too....

    with just oil and vinegar

    i LOVE the bowl in the first picture


  5. This looks amazing. These are great ideas for cucumbers. Love it.


  6. Wow, I so wish my husband would eat that salad and crackers for dinner. He'd be saying, "Where's the MEAT?". Love all of these ideas. I just made the pickle pot last weekend. Hoping for more cucumbers from today's CSA, so I can try some of these. Have a great day!

  7. A perfect salad for the heat wave we are getting this week. xo,

  8. Love the pickle recipes. Everything looks amazing.

  9. Salad looks great! I love the idea of having it with some cheese, salami and crackers.

  10. I'm adding these to my cucumber list!


  11. thats a delicous looking salad,, the pickles look good as well,, thanks for sharing these,,

  12. Looks delish and like such a cool and refreshing item to have with a meal. OR, I could eat it for lunch all by itself!


  13. oh man Lynn.. they all look good. I love anything with cucumber in it!
    Have a great night.

  14. Nothing quenches a thirst like cucumbers. Slice some up and put them in a pitcher of water in the fridge.
    You may not like the first sip but after that you will positively crave this water and it will keep you cool as a cucumber.

  15. Delicious!! Te peppers really give it that punch!! :-)


  16. i have 2 of the burpless plants
    and they are providing some great
    cukes...every day i take a few to work and share. my coworker and i like to wash them, cut them into coins and have them at our desk {i'd say all day but they don't last that long} cuke season is too short...these recipes look wonderful!!!

  17. I just read one of those internet "junk" articles that said that cucumbers were a vegetable that you should pass by at the store -- WHAT? I loved my mother's simple cucumber salad and never seem to be able to duplicate it. Joni

  18. Your posts just make my mouth water! We harvested our very first cucumber yesterday and I can't decided which of these I want to try. Gosh but they look fresh tasting!

  19. Wow, what a great selection of pickle recipes! Freezer dills?...I have to check that one out.

  20. I love fresh cucumbers this time of year. Thanks for the recipes!

  21. Why am I suddently hungry for pickles and cucumbers! LOL!

    I've got to try this salad, it looks and sounds wonderful.


  22. My MIL would love this post! The cukes do look lovely.
    I just can't get past their kinda weird taste...

  23. The pickles look so lovely, b ut Earl said he doesn't like cucumbers! ;P

  24. That salad looks delicious!! Great cucumber ideas. Thanks for sharing!!

  25. Great ideas...thanks for son loves cucumber so will be trying some of these recipes.

  26. Oh Yum! Thanks for posting all these cucumber ideas. I will be making several of them!

  27. all looks so yummy I am ready to come to an old fashioned supper like my mom would have fixed enough to eat but light enough to leave us feeling good as well come see me at

  28. Thanks for sharing such great ideas. Pickled anything goes well at my house. (And yes, a favorite treat when I was growing up in the South was pickled pigs feet...).

  29. You are like having a pickle cookbook on hand! I'm making a few of your suggestions. Come see how you have inspired me!

  30. I am a pickle & cuke loving lady. I'll definitely have to try this recipe. As a child, my mother teased me because I could have lived on cucumber or pimiento cheese sandwiches!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  31. The cucumber salad looks very inviting! I too have enjoy the pickle pot this's so fun:)

  32. Hi Lynn,
    WoW girl you are busy with those cukes. I just love it! I will have to try one of everything, because it all looks great to me. Of course I really love the Mustard Pickle that you put in the pickle pot. Great job!
    Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you again real soon! Have a great week!
    Miz Helen

  33. I made a batch of your bread and butter pickles the last time you posted the recipe--they were so sweet and crunchy and GOOD!! Thanks for a wonderful recipe!

  34. I'm your 613th follower, wahoo! What a fun little blog you have, thanks for stopping by mine and leaving a comment. Love the pigs!


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