
Monday, January 30, 2023

Celery Stick Appetizer Tray -Are You on Team Savory or Team Sweet?

I've been talking about it for years folks, a Celery Stick Appetizer Tray can be a very economical contribution to bring to a party. Whether it's a holiday, ~or~ your favorite team just happens to be headed to the Super Bowl:@) I like the idea of one inch-one bite munchies, just big enough to pick up with a food pick and pop into the mouth. The fastest way to stuff the celery? By using a disposable icing bag, or you could try snipping the corner off of a sandwich bag. The icing bag will be sturdier. I just used a butter knife this time.

The new flavor combination for this post, 
Olive and Cream Cheese Stuffed Celery
Two ingredient mixture, 
cream cheese and pimento stuffed green olives.
My crew loved this one! 

Plenty of sweet ~and~ savory options,
a little something for everyone:@)

Olive and Cream Cheese Stuffed Celery
  1. Celery, washed and dried.
  2. Cream cheese to chopped olive ratio = approximately half and half, start with less olives, adjust to taste. 
  3. Gently mix softened cheese and olives, stuff celery. 
  4. Cut to desired length.
  5. Cover and chill until ready to serve.
Celery Stick Appy Tray-Other Stuffing Options:
Cream cheese
Buffalo Chicken
BBQ Chicken or Pork
Tuna Salad
Ham Salad
Peanut butter
Peanut butter and raisins
Peanut butter topped with blueberries
Cream cheese mixed with strawberry jam

Enjoy a snack and have a happy day:@)


  1. SO easy and yummy! I love the olive and cream cheese filling---it reminds me of my mom. Maybe Bill would eat celery??? Thought of you last night as we watched th Eagles win!!! Yay!!!

  2. I love stuffed celery, and often have it with peanut butter for lunch. Cutting it into small bite size pieces is genius, much easier to eat! Congrats on the Eagles big win, I enjoyed watching it! On to the Super Bowl!!

  3. Congratulations on the Eagles' win and good luck at the Super Bowl! I'd go with the cream cream filled celery :-)

  4. I like the idea of all these different flavor options and the bite size pieces. Congratulations on the win!

  5. My mother-in-law used to make that exact cream cheese/olive combo for the holidays. Haven't had that in a while - thanks for reminding me.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!