
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pork Roll and Cheese Stuffed Jalapenos

We're pretty fond of Pork Roll here in Philadelphia, have you tried it? It's a pork product (imagine that), a little spicy, a little tangy, a tad salty, and would probably be classified as sliced firm sausage. And it's just great when you brown it up real good-yea, border line burnt! Since I knew I'd be baking these and for the sake of pictures... I didn't brown the meat as much as I would for breakfast but they are very tasty!
Some folks like mustard, some ketchup and some both. I say it's all good:@)
If you can find a "tangy" Pork Roll I do suggest trying it, that's my favorite!

Pork Roll and Cheese Stuffed Jalapenos
No real measurements here folks, about half meat/half cheese:
Jalapenos, sliced in half and cleaned
Pork Roll, lightly browned in a skillet, diced to about 1/4"
American cheese, diced to about 1/4"-get yourself some good stuff sliced from the deli
Panko breadcrumbs for topping, just a light sprinkling
Ketchup and mustard for dipping
  1. Stuff the peppers, sprinkle with Panko and bake at 375 for 18 minutes.
  2. Remove from oven and turn broiler on, when hot place under broiler until the cheese browns up.
  3. Let cool a bit to firm the cheese back up and serve.
Have a happy day:@)

I'm joining:
Full Plate Thursday
Foodie Friday
On The Menu Monday


  1. i know my husband would like these! and no, i'll never make 'em.

  2. My husband will love these. I will be making them a lot.

  3. Color me ignorant Lynn but I do not know what pork roll is. Thanks for your comment yesterday. hugs, olive

  4. I have never heard of pork roll, perhaps it is called something else on the west coast, I'll check. Another thing I've noticed, your Jalapenos seems to be so much larger than the ones here...Oh well, that just means being able to eat more if they are smaller, right? haha! xo

  5. Oh my husband would LOVE those too! sandie

  6. I couldn't eat the jalapenos but I imagine the aroma is to die for. I do love the smell of them. My kids would eat these up!

  7. This has got to be another thumbs up recipe. Again I say, "Thanks for sharing!"
    Susanne :)

  8. Feeling like a dork because I've never heard of pork roll.
    This looks delish, though. Yet again, I'm committing to a harvest of jalapenos next year!

  9. I've never had pork roll but those stuffed jalapeno's look amazing. I'll have to look for it!

  10. Learned something new today - pork rolls, it's funny how certain areas of the country have different types of foods that everyone in that area knows about but that seem quite foreign to others. I grew up in a very German community and I was shocked when I grew up and found out that other people had no clue about the yummy German treats that I grew up with! Love you jalapeño rolls, how fun!

  11. These looks good, Lynn!! YUM!

    P.s. I thought I had word verification turned off on my blog. I'm sorry that did that. I fixed it (I hope for good this time).

  12. I have never heard of pork roll but there are not many pork products I do not like. That looks awesome!

  13. I've always wanted to make (and try!) stuffed jalapenos! I love your presentation and the stuffing sounds yummy!

  14. Hi Lynn,
    you have always so lovely snacks. These stuffed Jalapenos look great. Thanks for the yummy recipe.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  15. Lynn these look so dag-gone good,I want some,I wonder if I can use my frozen jalapeno peppers,I just froze them right when we got home from Musgrove Farms,didn't even rinse 'em,but of course I will when I fix these tasty treats.

  16. My hubby would LOVE these! I'll have to try them! Thanks!

  17. Gosh, I never heard of pork rolls, but I wish I could try it. Your jalapeño peppers look mighty tasty stuffed with that yumminess. Maybe Earl could fly some pork roll down to me in Texas! Im thinking sausage would be a good substitute??

  18. I love poppers, so wonder if I'd like these. Hmmmmm.

  19. Mmm...not familiar with pork roll, but I can imagine Italian sausage in these!! Great little appetizer!

  20. My husband is a big fan of pork roll, being a New Jersey native. I call it New Jersey spam, because that's what it looks like to me. What an interesting use for it, filling jalapenos. Thanks for this, I'm sure the mister will love it!

  21. Linda presentación me encantan los jalapeños,hugs,hugs.

  22. Hi Lynn,
    I am just returning from the Northwest and I can sure use a Jalapeno Fix, these looks delicious! Hope you have a great holiday weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  23. I love jalepenos! I never thought to stuff them since they are so small...but you've convinced me. I came over from Stonegable link up and I'm excited to see what else you have coming up! I am always in need of new recipes


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!