
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sour Garlic Freezer Pickles

If you love garlic and sour pickles, these are great! This is a variation of the the Freezer Pickles I made here. I cut them thicker, sliced each clove of garlic into at least 5 slices, used white vinegar and omitted the peppers totally. Please don't let the lack of color keep you from trying these folks, I had some cukes with tougher skins so I peeled them-not ideal but I didn't want to waste fresh garden cukes:@)
 You know you've been blogging for a while when your son looks at the white pickles
and says "they taste great but are kinda anemic, how are you going to get a picture of them mom?". 
RubyWare to the rescue son:@)

Sour Garlic Freezer Pickles
1 lb sliced cucumbers, less than 1/4" thick-preferably pickling cukes, skin on, but any will do
1 medium onion sliced
4 cloves garlic sliced into at least 5 slices each, dice them up if you really-really love garlic!
2 Tblsp kosher salt
3/4 C sugar
1 1/2 C white vinegar
3/4 C water
  1. Put veggies in medium sized glass or plastic bowl.
  2. Heat salt, sugar, vinegar and water to a simmer, stirring to dissolve salt and sugar.
  3. Pour vinegar over veggies, it should cover them.
  4. Cover the bowl and place it in the fridge. Over the next 48 hours stir occasionally.
  5. After 48 hours divvy them up into jars or freezer bags and store in the freezer.
  6. Thaw in fridge and enjoy!
Have a happy day:@)

I'm joining:
Mix It Up Monday


  1. Your son's comment is hilarious, Lynn!
    I know I get suggestions and observations when I am discovered photographing food or something around the house!

  2. I love pickles that don't need canning...hooray! And I had to giggle at your son's comment, too :)

  3. If you pickle it, I will eat it!! Yum!


  4. Laughed out Loud big time at your son's comment. Pic a peck of pale pickles!

  5. Isn't that cute of your son??!! You sure did the trick with the ruby ware...perfect!!

  6. Oh yeah love me some garlic,mix that up with pickle recipe and we gotta a sure nuff good eats.....the rubyware is that antique? my husbands Aunt(more like a granny) left him a bowl like that,didn't know it was called rubyware,gosh learn something all the time.

  7. You had no problem getting a great photo. They look so clean and crisp. One day I will get brave enough to try freezer pickles.

  8. I have never heard of these - they sound very interesting. sandie

  9. I think they look even better white, and I bet they tates so good!

  10. I can't quit chuckling about your son's comment.

  11. Oooh, garlic, pickles, and home-made fresh! These have to be fantastic Lynn!

  12. This post makes me think of my Grandma, who made THE BEST pickles, and sauerkraut and just everything!

    What your son said cracked me up, because when it comes to doing a blog post, it's all about getting that great shot, isn't it?!

  13. haha, your son sounds just like mine; never afraid to tell it like he sees it! But I really appreciate that I have people in my life like that! I think your pickles are quite pretty and sound delicious with the garlic! mmmm mmmm mmmm!

  14. Lynn, if my life slows down in the fall, I am definitely trying some of your pickles. You tempt me every year and I have not gotten around to them yet.

  15. You know it's sad when the non bloggers in the family start asking about the pictures. My Dad...and my brother when he visits....stops to ask if I need a picture of the food before he can eat. Hee hee.

    My Mom used to make homemade pickles from a recipe given to her from an old Southern lady. We haven't had them for years though. Your recipe sounds wonderful though and how nice it must be to have the fresh produce from your garden to make them.

  16. Funny thing, my aunt Dorothy made these delicious pickles. When I was pregnant with my third she sent me a jar and I ate the whole jar in one day. You brought back a memory today. Thanks.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  17. Laughing at your son! My husband recently was about to toss something that I had replaced away. He looked at me, completely seriously and asked if I had taken my picture yet. (Hangs my head...)

    The garlic pickles sound yummy. I am committed to growing cucumbers again next year. I want to grow more jalapenos too. You can take the credit or blame for that. You choose.

  18. I love pickles of all types and these sound really amazing. I have to give your recipe a try. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  19. There's nothing like a good pickle and these sound great! Love your ruby ware and hope you showed your son your great pic!


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