
Friday, August 17, 2012

Pig Alert! Have you ever found...

That some weeks the best part of work is getting to Happy Hour?
Weather Vane found here.

Have a happy day:@)


  1. You've got that one right! I'm not even teaching any more, but I well remember those weeks.

    And the pig vane is adorable. You should find one!

  2. Ok.....I am SERIOUSLY hoping against hope that you own this!
    It felt good to laugh out loud!

    Have a wonderful week!
    I love visiting here!

    The Goat Borrower

  3. Definitely one of those weeks. Love the pig!

  4. Adorable weather vane. Thanks for the big smile you've given me today. Hope your weekend is as happy as your post.

  5. That weather vane makes me smile. Hmm, I see a martini in my future this weekend!

  6. That has to be the cutest weather vane that I have seen! Enjoy your weekend my friend! xo

  7. Love the weather vane! So fun! Enjoy the weekend.

  8. Oh I do remember those times...TGIF!! Now that I'm retired it's allgood!!! hugs,Linda

  9. Loving the weather vane! Happy Friday!!

  10. Oh my gosh! A pig dancing and holding a martini glass. Love it! I want it!

  11. Oh, that is the cutest weather vane yet. This one is a smile maker!!!
    ~ Sarah

  12. Lynn, I am retired three years and still enjoy Fridays! I think you need to get that weather vane, it is the cutest! xo

  13. Ha! Wise words and that is one cute little piggy!
    Have a great weekend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Hy Lynn,
    Earl would love to have this on your roof. Looks super cute.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  15. What a cute weather vane, Lynn! I hope your weekend is wonderful.

  16. Oh yes indeed. Lovin that weather vane!

    the French Hutch

  17. That is the cutest weathervane I have seen in a long time. It put a smile on my face.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  18. Oh my goodness girl I LOVE that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend. sandie

  19. What an adorable weather vane! I am certainly ready for Happy Hour!!

  20. Yep, here's a toast to TGIF and Pig Pointers on Happy Hour! Have a great weekend!

  21. Lol! Cute weather vane. Have a nice weekend, Lynn and her's to a happy hour! Cheers!...Christine

  22. Playing catch-up with your postings since I have been babysitting my sweetie pie grandson most of these 6 weeks. Thanks once again for sharing some yummy looking recipes, and girl, I don't know when you find all the time to do all that you do in the kitchen and to work too. That weather vane is funny, so cute! And I looked back at your hornet's nest and can relate. Hornets like wood and we have plenty of that in our back yard. We have had 3 nests that I can recall in the past, one in a pine tree, another in a walnut tree and another in a tree a bit down the road. One year we planted cantaloupes and when they came on we couldn't eat them fast enough and so a few went to rot. Our daughters were grade school age and I remember seeing the hornets working the rotten melons and warning my husband to keep the kids out of the garden. The one in the pine tree was low and hard to see, so when he ran the riding mower under it I about flipped. If my memory serves me right, hornets do not like loud noises to disturb their busy agenda....on the other hand, we don't like being stung senseless by them either. They could kill us with their stings, a child wouldn't stand a chance.
    Have a good weekend,
    Susanne :)

  23. That piggy looks like it would make a good friend for Earl....I can tell he likes to party it up! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  24. Love it! Have a great weekend.

  25. LOVE that weather vane! What is Earl's favorite cocktail ?:)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!