
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Freezer Pickles-Salty/Garlicy/Sweet

Here's a freezer pickle that's totally different than the dills I posted. It's kinda salty/garlicy/sweet (in that order) with lots of pucker power-love that! I only sliced the garlic in half, go ahead and chunk it up for even more flavor. My jalapenos have been de-seeded so the only heat is if you eat a pepper. Don't add the jalapenos if you don't care for them, use bell pepper or I don't see why peppers can't be left out entirely.

The pickles stay crunchy too. Kelly says it's her Grandma's recipe-love old family recipes! 
I keep going back and grabbing a few more from the bowl, this is a keeper.
 As for the jalapenos if you use them... make sure you add them to a sandwich, nachos, beans, 
or just pop 'em into your mouth like M&Ms... 
Very nice!

My tip: If you use freezer bags you can lay them flat inside of a baking dish until they freeze. 
Then they stack nicely and take up less room in the freezer. 

Freezer Pickles-adapted from The Meaning Of Pie
1lb sliced pickling cucumbers, stem and blossom end removed, sliced 1/8" thick
1 medium onion, sliced
2 dried chile arbol-I didn't have these
2 jalapenos, sliced 1/8" thick
2 green chile peppers-I didn't have these
4 cloves garlic, sliced into 4 pieces or diced
2 Tblsp kosher salt
3/4 C sugar
1 1/2 C cider vinegar
3/4 C water
  1. Put veggies in medium sized glass or plastic bowl.
  2. Heat salt, sugar, vinegar and water to a simmer, stirring to dissolve salt and sugar.
  3. Pour vinegar over veggies, it should cover them.
  4. Cover the bowl and place it in the fridge. Over the next 48 hours stir occasionally.
  5. After 48 hours divvy them up into jars or freezer bags and store in the freezer.
  6. Thaw in fridge and enjoy!
I hope you'll give these a try folks, I think you'll love them!
Have a happy day:@)

I'm joining:
Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits
Full Plate Thursday
Rural Thursday
Foodie Friday
Carnival of Home Preserving
Farm Girl Friday
Seasonal Sunday


  1. This is so interesting. I have never heard of freezing pickles. They look good and I love garlic in my pickles.

  2. Great way to use up those peppers and cukes from the garden. Thank you! xo

  3. O yeah I want some.These look as good as the pepper's,I do love me some dill's tooooo.

  4. I told hubby the other night I wanted to try making pickles. What are pickling cucumbers? I have your other recipe to try to. I like the freezer technique on these.

    1. Typically they're the smaller kirby cucumbers. As a general rule they don't wax them so you can make pickles even with the kirby's you buy at the supermarket. But I've made pickles with the bigger regular cukes too:@)

  5. I love your other freezer pickle recipe, can't wait to try this one. I am hoping there's cucumbers in today's CSA!

  6. I am going to try these, they sound so tasty. xo

  7. I like that they can be made in the freezer and that they stay crunchy!

  8. I am visiting via your comment on Carol's (Our Sears Kit Home) blog.
    When I was in college, my roommate's grandma would send her pickles back to school with us. They would be devoured in a short amount of time.
    Nice to meet you. Have a restful evening.

  9. With my affinity for sugar, I only like sweet pickles. And I like them a LOT.
    Mildred from Maple Lane, above is great. I think you'll like her!
    I AM making those pickled jalapenos next week. Can't wait!

  10. OOh! I've never of freezer pickles before! Yummy!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. This sounds perfect to me with all three necessary requirements of salt, garlic and sweet. What more could we ask for in a pickle??? I need to try these.

  12. I have never tried making or tried eating a freezer pickle. You really have my curiosity up now.

  13. Hooray for pickles you don't have to can! These sound perfect...I wouldn't change a thing :)

  14. I don't think I've even eaten a frozen pickle as opposed to canned ones. I love a garlic pickle so this sounds delicious.

  15. These sound great Lynn! Love the salty/garlicy/sweet combo and freezing in bags is a great tip!

  16. I am definitely trying these, they sound and look delicious!

  17. PS -- thanks for sharing your recipe at RT this week.

  18. Sounds like really tasty pickles! (Especially the garlicky part!)

  19. Yummy! It does sound like a keeper.

  20. These look yummy Lynn. I'm going to make them with all my cucumbers for winter when I need a little heat! Thanks...

  21. I love all kinds of pickles! Another great recipe!

  22. These sound gooooood!!! Thank you for sharing this at the Carnival of Home Preserving!

  23. I might be from the stone age but I've never heard of freezer pickles, I've made refrigerator pickles but not this version. Sounds wonderful!

  24. I'm not a pickle fan, but it's wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  25. Freezer pickles? Who knew? Certainly not me. What a great idea and I love that they stack in plastic bags for easy storage and how great to take on outings too. Thanks Lynn. I am going to try making these with my Mom.

    Susan and Bentley

  26. What a great thing that they are frozen! They sound soooo good.

  27. Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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