
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Concord Grape Pie

Long before I moved here my neighbor planted grape vines on the fence between our yards, some years they are plentiful, others not so much. This is a good year, there are some nice sweet, plump grapes out there for the picking! And there's nothing better than enjoying what Mother Nature gifts us.
I thought Concord Grape Pie sounded different.

The way the Inn At The Crossroads decorated the top crust was pure art! This is my interpretation.
I've 'whipped up' a bunch of pies in my life, this is not one of them...
It is a project, a labor of love and I've never spent so much time on a pie, but it is worth it:@)
While in the oven the filling puffs up and overflows, it does deflate quite a bit upon cooling.

Concord Grape Pie-adapted from Inn At The Crossroads
4 C concord grapes-makes about 1/2" deep filling when cooked
up to 1 C sugar-my grapes were sweet, I cut back to a little over 1/2 cup
1/4 C A/P flour
1 Tblsp lemon juice
Double pie crust
  1. Squeeze the pulp out of the skins into a saucepan. This is easy folks, grab the non-stem end and squeeze. Save the skins in a bowl large enough to hold all ingredients. Kids would love to help with this!
  2. Cook the pulp over medium heat, stirring, until the grapes breakdown and the seeds separate.
  3. Squeeze the pulp through a sieve into the bowl with the skins, discard seeds.
  4. Add sugar, flour and lemon juice to grapes, mix well. 
  5. Pour into an unbaked 9" pie crust and add a lattice top.
  6. Bake at 375 degrees for about 50-60 minutes. Note: this pie may will overflow so you'll want to put a pan under it.
If you have an abundance of grapes this recipe for Concord Grape Sorbet from 
Martha Stewart sounded good too!


  1. It is beautiful! You are amazing in your cooking art!! Hugs,Linda

  2. It is ART! I don't know if I could bring myself to eat such a beautiful pie! Thanks for the recipe!...hugs...Debbie

  3. This is a beautiful pie, Lynn. Never had grape pie. xo

  4. I've never heard of a grape pie. It looks and sounds delicious. But, who would want to cut into that work of art?


  5. once again, you make art with pie crust. i never comment on recipe posts, but your pies are astoundingly beautiful!

  6. My girlfriend makes a grape pie too and her grandma passed down the recipe to her, only she keeps it locked up in her head, a little bit of this and a little bit of that, lol.
    Your pie is almost too pretty to eat, all dolled up with that fancy art work, why Hon, you have 2 thumbs up here.
    Thank you for sharing another taste tempting recipe.
    Heavens, if I made and ate them all I would have to roll myself right out of this room, lol
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  7. Wow, what a work of art!!! Truly beautiful!!!!

  8. This is the most beautiful pie ever! I have never tasted grape pie, but I haven't met a pie I didn't like, it looks delicious!

  9. Beautiful Lynn! Picture Perfect! I've heard of this pie but never tried it. Awesome job girl!

  10. Hi
    What a beautiful work of art. I love grapes and the touch of fall with the leaves. I love your blog so much.

  11. Beautiful and delicious-sounding!!! Great job!

  12. ummmmmmmmmm oh my gosh ~ this pie looks amazing!!!!

  13. What a beautiful pie. It looks like it should be in a magazine. I just saw concord grapes this morning at the store. Now I wish I bought them.

  14. Hi Lynnie! I've never heard of a grape pie before but I'm sure I'd love it! Isn't that a beautiful way to to the top crust! Now you're making me hungry!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. WHAT? That's crazy. But thinking about it - and seeing it - it kind of makes me mouth water. Also - I am so in love with that weather vane in your last post. I will probably dream about it tonight.

  16. Oh wow, what a beauitful and yummy looking pie! Magazine worth for sure!!! Thanks for this great looking recipe. Have a terrific week.

  17. It is beautiful. Time well spent to see those results:}

  18. I have never heard of a grape pie but it sounds wonderful. What a creative way to use those grapes. Bet it would be good with some peanut butter ice cream too : )

  19. A beautiful and admirable interpretation! I have to say, though, I'm jealous of your access to the grapes- I have to wait until the local market starts to carry them!

  20. My word, girl...this is one beautiful pie. Bet it tastes even better than it looks. :)

  21. Lynn~ Your pie is ART!! I've never had grape pie before~ it looks delicious and beautiful! Nice too that the birds let you & your neighbor enjoy the grapes :)

  22. This is awesome. I can't remember the last time I heard the words "concord grapes" The only grape that grows here in the hot southeast is the muscadine (super sugary sweet).... I like concord grapes better than muscadines.

    Making a grape pie is really very cool. Your labor of love was worth the effort.


  23. Oh Whow, what an outstanding recipe. And your cake turned out very artful. Love how you decorated it. I have grapes but they are not ripe yet. But when the time comes, I will remember this recipe.
    Thanks for sharing and best greetings,

  24. Concord grape anything is divine. Beautiful Lynn!

  25. Great Recipe! Not only does this pie sound delicious it's beautiful. How perfect for fall with the leave and grapes. I'll bet you'll be making this a lot! I love the color, just gorgeous!

    The French Hutch

  26. Not only does this look really delicious, I absolutely love the way you decorated the top. That is so pretty!!

  27. I've never had grape pie - sounds good, and my, oh, my, it is decorated so beautifully Lynn!

  28. Now that is gorgeous! You did good and the time you spent has very impressive results - I've never had grape pie or cobbler, crumble etc. but what a wonderful idea! I'd love it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, mmmm mmmm mmmm!

  29. I have never even heard of grape pie before but it sounds delicious. You decorated it so nicely. When I try to get fancy like that the shapes don't behave so well. Love the way you put the grapes in the center! Worth the work I'd say!

  30. Oh wowzie!! This pie looks incredible!! A piece of art!!

  31. Never had grape pie. Yours looks beautiful!

  32. This is a beautiful masterpiece, Lynn! It could won a prize!

  33. Lynn, you sure have taught me something new today. I have never heard of grape pie, and from these beautiful photos and how you used the pastry to decorate the top of the pie . . . I don't think that I could even cut into this beauty! My mouth is watering! WOW!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!