
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Refried Bean and Cheddar Stuffed Jalapenos

Well folks, I don't see my love affair with stuffed peppers waning any time soon. It's just turning into something I really enjoy, they're great munchies and I do have quite a few ideas for them. How about a burrito minus the tortilla calories, Refried Bean and Cheddar Stuffed Jalapenos.
These peppers will only be as good as your refried beans so make sure you pack some flavor into them. The easiest thing to do is add at least 1 Tblsp of taco seasoning to homemade or a can of beans, taste them and add more if desired... oh yes, I desired:@)

Here's a great tip, use a disposable icing bag to fill the peppers.
Works for whether the peppers have been cut in half, just the top taken off or the side split for filling.
Another tip: Already grilling out? Why not throw the appy on the grill too... just place the peppers on a few sheets of tin foil (at least 3) and make a disposable tray. These were baked on the covered grill. 
Adds a little smoky flavor too!

Refried Bean and Cheddar Stuffed Jalapenos
Approx 10-12 (3"-ish) jalapenos, halved, seeded and deviened
1 can refried beans (or a little less than 2 C homemade)
1 to 2 Tblsp taco seasoning
Shredded Cheddar for topping (I just buy a 2 cup bag and use what I need)
  1. Mix the beans and taco seasoning. 
  2. Stuff the peppers.
  3. Top with cheddar.
  4. Bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes, until peppers soften up a bit and the cheese has melted.
  5. Sprinkle lightly with kosher or sea salt while still warm.
Have a happy day:@)


  1. I could make a meal out of these...what else would one need? xo

  2. These are a MUST!!! I'll be picking up the ingredients tomorrow...YUMMMMY!
    Thank you Lynn!!!
    Have a fun filled weekend,
    Big Hugs,

  3. I love how you have been using jalapeno's. I love refried beans. I bet a little squirt of lime would go nicely too. You've really got me thinking of all the yummy things you can stuff in a pepper.

  4. What if you just smear the beans in with a fork? Those look yummy.

    1. Absolutely! Just get the beans in the pepper so you can enjoy it:@)

  5. Lynne,
    I've got to try this, in the near future.
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. Hi Lynn,
    These look and sound delicious. Just the kind of food I love.


  7. Wonderful!! But what did you do with all the tasty hot seeds that were in the jalapeƱos?? Must use them!

  8. Oh, yummy! This is right down my alley! Poke all that good stuff in those beans! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  9. Mmmmm ...they look nice and spicy! I know I'd love them!

  10. You can pass these my way anytime! They look delicious. I'm putting them on my "to cook" list.


  11. Ummmm ummmm! These will go great with taco night!!!

  12. I have eaten all kinds of stuffed jalapenos since I came to Texas 25 years ago, but never had them with refried beans. I just have to try these! Patsy

  13. Love the sound of this recipe! I'm hosting our gourmet group this month and Mexican food is on the menu. This will fit right in.

  14. Next you must post recipe for a Pepto Cocktail because this looks so yummy but I think my tummy would rebel. Keep 'em coming.

  15. Would love these! Such great ideas for stuffing jalapeno's!

  16. OMG - Lynn, these look DELICIOUS!!


  17. Awesome idea!!! Can't wait to try this!

  18. this is too too good!

  19. I love the trick with the icing bag... excellent looking recipe. Please share it on my foodie friday party today.

  20. This look great Lynn! I need a margarita or an icy cold cerveza to wash them down with :)

  21. These look delightful! Are they really hot though? I've never had fresh jalepenos!

  22. They are HOT. For a little less heat tey using pickled/canned jalapeƱos. I grew up eating the canned version.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!