
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Perky Patriotic Pie Crust!

Have you ever seen something that inspired you so much you just had to run out to get the ingredients so you could make it? I couldn't wait to make this Lemonade Pie with a red, white and blue crust.
Unfortunately I can't recommend the lemonade pie, it just didn't set up right, bummer
But I do want to share this great technique for adding color to a graham cracker crust I saw 
at Sprinkle Bakes, her blog is truly amazing
Simply add 1/3 to 1/2 cup colored sprinkles to your graham cracker crust. Click here for the recipe.
She doesn't bake hers in the recipe link, I baked this one for 8 minutes at 350.
While this isn't the post I had envisioned, 
it is something fun to share to help make your 4th of July a little more colorful!
Have a happy day:@)

I'm Joining:


  1. What a fun 4th of July treat! Have a great weekend.

  2. Looks gorgeous and delicious! !!

  3. GOOD IDEA!!!!
    have a super weekend!

  4. Even though you say it didn't turn out...I still want a piece, haha.

    I just started following Sprinkle Bakes, can't believe I didn't know about her before (Late to the party, as usual). xo

  5. I love sprinkles. :) They're so cute in the crust!

  6. What a neat idea for sprinkles!

  7. OK, I love this idea and the jalapeno with refried beans in the last post too. I want to pin them, and this stinking computer has now hidden my pin it button. What next, I ask you. What next?

  8. looks like a great pie and so colorful! thanx much for the idea very much! Loving your blog as new follower

  9. What a cute crust! Bummer about the Lemonade pie...sounds yummy!

  10. How would the crust ever stay together if you didn't bake it for a bit???
    Fun idea. I am also envisioning chocolate sprinkles in a crust with a different filling. Hmmm. Yummy

  11. Sorry to hear that the lemonade pie did not set up. It sounds yummy though. Great idea for the 4th! Have a great weekend.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  12. Whether it set up or not - it sure looks pretty!! That is a genius idea adding sprinkles to a graham cracker crust. I will have to remember this idea.

  13. Looks gorgeous, Lynn! Hard to believe the 4th of July is on its way soon. Hope you are having a good wknd!

  14. What a fun and yummy patriotic presentation. Way to kick it up!

  15. Even though it didn't work out as planned it sure looks delicious--like whipped cream--YUM!! This is a great idea for the sprinkles. You could do green for St. Pats or red for Valentines, or red and green for Christmas too or even school colors! It really looks good Lynn! Linda

  16. Great idea for the crust - sorry the pie didn't set up - looks good though!!
    Mary x

  17. Oh my I love this SO much. I have to do it!

  18. Hey that is a great idea. sandie

  19. Lynn!! I LOVE this! I just pinned this to my Red, White & Blue board!

    I should have asked for permission before pinning first, but it's easier to ask for forgiveness :)

  20. Delightful! Perfect for the upcoming holiday...


  21. That is a wonderful crust, Lynn! I bought ingredients for a lemonade pie recipe. I'll let you know how mine turns out and post it if it's good!

  22. That is so festive!! I can't wait to try this for the 4th of July!!

  23. I love this crust recipe and I would bake mine as well. Question! What kind of pan did you press the crust into and how do you get it out? I would have to use a spring form pan but your looks like solid silicone, maybe.
    You are always up on the latest, I am sure I am missing something.

    1. Hello! My pan is silicone with a great ceramic base that is the serving dish too. The silicone has a lip on the bottom that slips over the base. After the cheesecake is cool I slip the lip off of the dish and give the sides a gentle outward tug, then just slide the silicone up and off-works great! I bought it "as is" from QVC a few years ago, it has served me well:@) Spring form is great too.

  24. Patriotic and fun! Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!