
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mustard Coleslaw

Coleslaw is a wonderful side dish for BBQ's and sandwiches, how about changing it up just a bit... I saw this recipe at Noble Pig (no idea why I was drawn to their blog:@) and think it's a keeper! The color is fun, it's tangy and just sour enough to be different but still comfortably similar to traditional coleslaw.
 This would be great on a hot dog or pulled pork!

Oops, let's change that to...
Try something new at the next grill out!
Whew, touchy...

Tennessee Style Mustard Coleslaw
1/2 C mayonnaise
1/4 C prepared yellow mustard
1/4 C apple cider vinegar
1/4 C sugar
2 tsp kosher salt-I suggest starting with 1 tsp and adding more to taste
2 tsp ground black pepper-I suggest starting with 1 tsp and adding more to taste
1 tsp celery seeds
1 large head of cabbage, shredded
-Mix everything except cabbage.
-Add cabbage, mix well and chill until ready to serve.
Have a happy day:@)

I'm joining:
Full Plate Thursday
Foodie Friday
Food On Friday


  1. I love coleslaw. Will have to try it with mustard and, ahem, BEEF barbecue.


  2. LOL - Yessir, Earl, no pulled pork. Love the new twist on cole slaw.

  3. Sounds good! How 'bout on some pulled chicken sammies, Earl?!

  4. Sounds perfectly tangy to me and I'm so sorry Earl, but it's pulled pork all the way for me!!

  5. Coleslaw is one of the (few) things I don't like because it tastes too mayonnaise-y. I would definitely try this one because of the vinegar and the mustard. I'll bet I would like it much more.

  6. This looks wonderful Lynn and I can easily sub out the sugar for splenda and have a perfectly low-carb side. Thanks for sharing :)


  7. Looks delicious, nice change form the usual coleslaw.

  8. This does look good! I've never heard of mustard slaw before. Thanks for sharing. : )

  9. I like my potato salad on the tart side and usually think that most coleslaw's are too sweet, this sounds just right.

    Have a great day, my friend! xo

  10. I found Noble Pig some time ago before they moved to Oregon. I would love to visit their winery one day. It isn't that far from us.
    The thing with coleslaw is that it is either really good or really bad. I never seem to find a middle ground. I think this one will be at the top.

  11. Lynn,
    It looks like my cabbage is ready to harvest. Mister loves cabbage. I've been looking at cabbage recipes until I feel fairly nauseated.
    Maybe I'll try something like your recipe!

  12. Oh my, that sounds just wonderful! Thanks again for your Weekly Memes list! I know where to come!

  13. I am going to hard copy this - yummy! sandie

  14. I have been back tracking on your posts and see so many yummy looking recipes. I'm sure I will be trying a few. Thanks for sharing.
    Susanne :)

  15. Lynn~ There is a bbq joint around the corner from us that does mustard based slaw instead of traditional vinegar style! It hadn't occurred to me to try it on a dog :)

  16. Hi Lynn,
    I love Earl's advise, to try something new and this is an awesome Cole Slaw to try, it looks delicious! Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  17. Imagine this piled on a nice juicy burger!!

  18. Coleslaw is my side of preference. This sounds really great!

  19. Maybe I can finally get my husband to eat coleslaw! This sounds wonderful.

  20. I love a good tangy cole slaw! As a mustard lover i think I'd really enjoy this a side to barbecue that better Earl? :)

  21. The best thing about this is there is no onion! I would like this : )

  22. That sounds delicious! I love that it is a little different than the normal! Yours looks devine!!

  23. Love the mustardy dressing of this coleslaw! It's one of our favorite summer side dishes. This would be delicious on a pulled (you know what) sandwich.

  24. Mr. Sweet is the slaw eater in our family. He would love this, I'm sure.

  25. I'm a huge fan of coleslaw. I like it year round and the best thing about it is that cabbage is very good for you. Nice recipe!

  26. This looks so yummy, traditional yet some unique additions! Perfect timing for summer picnics - thanks!

  27. Mr. Living loves slaw and your recipe sounds great! I love it too, though. We love it on our hot dogs or for a pork chop dinner..GREAT! Thanks for this recipe sharing! Hugs,

  28. Our family is split when it comes to slaw, but this looks very tasty.

  29. I've featured this post at a summer salad roundup on my blog. You can stop by and grab featured button if you would like. this has been featured at this weeks tasty tuesday party. Check it out!

  30. Thanks for linking this in. Love the idea of the mustard in the slaw. Have a good week.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!