
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lime Cucumber Salsa

This is the second salsa I've tried from Cookin' Up North and it's another winner! It is very light and fresh tasting, and contains no sugar. Great with chips and a friend served it as a side to grilled chicken and said that was very good too. As we're headed into cucumber season, don't hesitate to give it a try folks! 
 Lime Cucumber Salsa

Lime Cucumber Salsa
1 large cucumber, small dice-or maybe 3-4 kirbys
1 clove garlic, minced
3 green onions, sliced-I just used about 1/4 C sweet onion, small dice
1 jalapeno, cleaned and diced
2 Tblsp fresh cilantro, minced-parsley would be fine
1 tsp lime zest-I zested one lime
2 Tblsp lime juice-Used the juice from one large lime
2 Tblsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
-Mix everything and let mingle in fridge for at least 2 hours.
Have a happy day:@)

I'm joining:
Seasonal Sunday
Full Plate Thursday


  1. I love cukes and this one sounds so fresh and summery! Have a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Love cucumbers and we eat a lot of them this time of the year. This dip looks great. I can eat cilantro but Hubby can't stand the stuff, so I always have to opt of of using it in anything....

  3. This is a nice one Lynn! I have officially acquired a taste for cilantro and put like 1/2 bunch in things now! Enjoy the weekend!

  4. I LOVE that and I pinned it - lol. sandie

  5. This is the perfect side to eat with the heat wave we have been having. I love cukes anyway, this sounds delish! Keep cool, xo

  6. Love this! So fresh and summery! Grabbing it to try someday...

  7. I can picture this with grilled pork chops...I don't know just sounds good to me, yum.

    Have a joy filled weekend, my friend! xo

  8. That sounds so refreshing! Nothing like cold cucumbers to beat the heat. :)

  9. This looks really good. I like cucumbers but don't have them often since the rest of my family isn't crazy about them. This salsa looks so fresh and flavorful that I bet they would enjoy it. Thanks for the recipe and for visiting my blog yesterday.

  10. Cucumbers bother me, zucchini too! Cilantro is a no too! BUT, your salsa looks delicious! :)
    I'll just eat the chips !

  11. That looks fresh and like a perfect summer side. I love summer...especially the food.

  12. This looks so refreshing Lynn! I'm bookmarking this for when my friend shares her surplus of cukes with me :) Enjoy your Sunday!

  13. Looks yummy and I like the idea of serving it as a side.

  14. Fresh, fresh, fresh! Love how salsa doesn't always have to be red.

  15. Looks great! When my cucumbers come in I'm gonna try it :)

  16. This looks wonderful and I have all the *stuff* to make it! YeeHaw!

  17. Just pinned your great recipe, thanks for sharing on Full Plate Thursday and hope you are having a great week end!
    Miz Helen


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!