
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Raised Bed Garden 2023

This has been an interesting spring weather wise here in Philly... Very wet early, then weeks without rain, cool nights with some very hot days. Yep, the plants are confused and taking their time growing, but I expect everything to explode by July, especially if we get a couple more good rains. I have picked spinach, snow peas, radishes and string beans so far. New this year, I simply laid Mexican tiles on top of each cap. I like the splash of color. And I happened to see... A baby pig decoration at the garden center:@) He hangs on the side of the wood-too cute! Just a little whimsy to make me smile...

The view from the short end:
Lavender, trying to get established on the far end.

Fingerling eggplant in the cold frame.
String beans in the first box.
Strawberries in background.
Then a bed for the large tomatoes, with
zucchini and mini pumpkins behind them.
We'll see how they do...

Three boxes of tomatoes in the corner.
White planter for my solar fountain.

And while I might regret it...
Ice box watermelon, 
just for giggles:@)

Three boxes for peppers:
The one on the left is a new variety, more about that in a future post:@) Jalapeno, cherry peppers, and the one on the right was supposed to be bell peppers... It looks suspiciously like habaneros to me😕 The cherry peppers were an impulse purchase, bought them after everything else was planted. So this set-up is not ideal, but it's what I have this year.

An herb box: Thyme, chives and re-planted scallions. I added some Lilliput zinnias for a little color, they'll be blooming soon. I'm on the look-out for a small picnic table bench for the back, but for now I have a planter of string beans (which will be done this weekend and replanted) and some petunias on cinder blocks. 

And my long view:
The anchor beds... While I love the look of the Dollar Tree fencing (wish I could have found that in metal), I hit it with the weed whacker and the weed whacker won... So I just picked up the metal fencing at Walmart. I would prefer curves, and something shorter with a more artistic flowing design, but this will work and it's much sturdier. The rosemary was shaded for a while, I'm sure it will take off soon. Still going to try to make it Christmas tree shaped. Lavender on the other end.

Well folks, that's what I planted this year.
I'll pop in with periodic updates...
We say bye for now:@)

🌞Have a happy day:@)


  1. What a wonderful set up and lots growing!

  2. Hi, Lynn...your gardening loooks great! Love the pig, our yard is pretty stressed, we are borderline severe drought watering has become an issue. Hope to pick something next week here. Did have lettuce, seems we have either a very large bunny or deer visiting...lost a 2 foot high broccoli plant???

  3. Lynn, everything looks like it's growing great. It will be nice to have some fresh veggies to eat.

  4. I need to borrow your green thumb! My herbs are thriving but the tomato plants look pathetic. I think they will go in a new spot next year!!

  5. What a wonderful garden Lynn~ I love the colorful tiles and the cute little piggie!

  6. I am so amazed at all you have growing, Lynn! I love seeing the progress. Your little piggy made me smile, too, and the tiles add some happy color.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!