
Saturday, April 22, 2023

ReView: How to Make Chive Blossom Vinegar & Rosemary Topiary (hopefully...)

For my Saturday ReView I wanted an idea using something that might be growing in our gardens at this time of year... Back in 2012 I posted a picture tutorial showing how to make a simple Chive Blossom Vinegar. The little clump of chives in my new raised bed have set buds, so that's what I'm sharing today:@) These poor chives have been dug up and moved several times already, I ~think~ they have finally found a home in the corner of the raised bed, and now will have a chance to multiply and thrive.

Last year's rosemary ended up with some kind of disease
and was pulled out at end of season.
I decided my replacement would have one single center stem,
and I'll try to shape it like a little Christmas tree:@)
The young plant I'm starting with:

It has a very nice shape!
The idea is to have a cone shaped rosemary on this end,
and a round shaped lavender on the other end.
We shall see:@)

🍄Happy early gardening season!


  1. Wow, good luck on the Rosemary---which I have never had luck with in the ground...sounds like great plans!

  2. Your chive blossom vinegar is such a beautiful color, Lynn. I hope your rosemary plant does well this year, and your lavender, too.

  3. Yeah, our rosemary always bites the dust. My sister has a huge one in a pot that she brings inside in the winter---with my black thumb, I'm not sure I could nurse it through from one summer to the next! Great idea for using chive blossoms!

  4. Oh the chive blossom vinegar sounds so good! Rosemary is one thing I can grow and love having it at my fingertips right outside on the patio~ It's wonderful on roasted potatoes!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!