
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Happy 4th of July Weekend!

My flags are waving and balloons are filled! This happy little guy is my first attempt at making a red, white and blue ornament from a cupcake topper and bump chenille. I think he turned out cute. And sparkly... Yep, lots of shiny bling:@)

A side view to show that he's riding fireworks (made from a thread spool and tinsel toothpick).
The nosecone may get decorated down the road but for now white is fine.

His balloons are miniature vintage glass tree ornaments, I thought a clown should have balloons:@)

The flag is a cocktail toothpick (the rest will be used... um, perhaps later today).

He's a spunky little guy that looks right at home on the RW&B tree.

I hope you have a great holiday weekend, no matter where you're flying off too:@)


  1. too cute, riding his rocket. :)

  2. Oh my goodness, he turned out so cute!!!!

  3. you certainly are ready for the 4 July Enjoy the day.

  4. He is really cute! love it! I cant believe tomorrow is the 4th already! I hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend!

  5. Adorable Lynn! I love the thread spool rocket and vintage glass baubles for balloons :) Happy 4th weekend!

  6. You are so creative! I love your little Fourth of July Clown - he looks like he is having a great time on that rocket ship!

  7. I LOVE the rocket ship! So so cute!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!