
Monday, July 4, 2016

Corn on the Cob with Sweet Red Thai Chili Sauce

Just like asparagus in the spring, I'm determined to enjoy as much corn on the cob as possible while it's fresh in season. I noticed a bottle of Sweet Red Thai Chili Sauce pushed way to the back of the fridge and decided to try it on a couple ears the other day... That turned out to be a very good idea:@) The chili sauce added nice little bites of sweet heat to fresh corn that couldn't wait to pop off of the cob as I bit into it.
This robust sauce would also perk things up if after you get home you suspect your corn is just a little past it's prime. 

Corn on the Cob with Sweet Red Thai Chili Sauce
  • Corn cooked your favorite way-2 C water, peeled corn on steamer basket, 2 minutes on high in pressure cooker, automatic release
  • Liberally slather corn with chili sauce-a silicone basting brush worked well.
  • Serve with lots of napkins:@)
Enjoy a seasonal treat and have a happy day!


  1. The sweet thai chili sauce sounds like a great way to add some heat and flavor to your corn Lynn! Happy 4th!

  2. It sure looks pretty!!!! I have no idea what I am going to have for dinner today. Corn does sound good!!! Happy 4th!

  3. I love all fresh veggies, but especially sweet corn.

  4. Corn is my favorite, too...any way it's it on the grill..microwaved, in the husk, for 2 min. ...but don't care for it boiled (which was the only way we had it growing up..guess Mom didn't know any other way)
    hope your 4th is great...xoxo

  5. Sounds delicious! I'm all for corn and more corn this summer.

  6. Lynn, The corn looks delicious! I'm drooling! We haven't had any yet but I'm going to be on the lookout next weekend! Linda

  7. I just bought two ears today, but don't have any of that sauce to try. It sure looks tasty, Lynn. Happy 4th of July to you and your family.

  8. I bought our first fresh sweet corn at the farmers' market this weekend---it was so wonderful. We'll be tired of just plain butter in a couple weeks and I'll have to spice up my ears :) Hope you're having a lovely holiday!

  9. Perfect addition to summer corn! Hope you had a terrific 4th of July.

  10. sweet chili sauce is good on everything! Hope you had a bang up 4th Lynn!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!