
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Saturday Snippets-Pristine Peony and 2016 Garden Planters

Look at what I woke up to today! This beauty is in the garden in front of the house and the plant is truly spectacular this year. It has several buds, but this first flower is a real showoff:@)
 She's a good 6+ inches across.
And brings a little sunshine on this very overcast and damp weekend.
One last pic...

My veggie planters are a lot further behind this year because we've had a very wet and cool spring here in Philly.
I tucked the snow peas in the big pot, they are done growing and I'll pull the plants out today so the cucumbers and tomatoes have more room.  
There are string beans on the right and nasturtiums in with a creeping rosemary on the left. Hoping to add some flowers to my salad this summer.

Looks like Sweet and Sour Pork for dinner tomorrow! 
Definitely got my monies worth from that 20¢ pack of seeds:@)

On the other side I have zucchini and goldbar squash (yellow zucchini) and a Tumbling Tom tomato plant. 
I'll be adding one more planter for staggering string beans, aiming for fresh beans all summer long.
So that's how my garden grows this year...

Wishing you a sunny day and happy plants:@)


  1. Your white peony is stunning!! Love all your veggies in pots..they are doing so well!

  2. What a beautiful white flower!All your veggies has grown good. They should give you a good yield.

  3. glad the snow peas did well. love the huge and perfect peony.

  4. Glad you got something to grow. Pretty much everything we've planted wound up drowning in the rain. We're so disappointed.

  5. Beautiful!! Love the snow peas. Hoping for some sunshine here so things will grow!

  6. I love, love peonies!! Mine blossomed over a month ago so I'll just have to admire your beauty!!!

  7. I had just one Peony this year and it looked like yours. It was the most gorgeous white one ever.All my flowers have done great due to all the rain we are having.

  8. Your garden is certainly on it's way! So far ahead of anything here. That white flower is absolutely stunning! So lovely, I got lost in the photo. What a greeting when you saw!

  9. What a wonderful peony to wake up to this morning, Lynn. It is absolutely stunning! You're so lucky...I had to buy some peonies from Trader Joe's to get my fix. I so remember them from my aunt's garden in PA, grown in rows.
    Your veggies are putting on quite a show, too. I'd say that 20 cent packet was so worthwhile for your snow peas. Enjoy your sweet and sour pork tomorrow!

  10. SWOON Lynn...what a beauty your peony is! You'll have quite the crop of nasturtiums too! If you plant some in a natural area, they'll reseed and come back the following year....always a fun surprise to find them popping up :)

  11. What a show stopper! You could win a contest with that bloom Lynn! and sweet and sour pork with fresh snow peas from your garden sounds amazing!

  12. Love peonies and yours is spectacular! What a way to start the day! I may try some potted vegetables plants this year since yours are doing so well. Enjoy your fresh snow peas with sweet and sour pork.

  13. I think you're going to love Tumbling Tom! I've grown it for the past 5 or more years and I love how it grows. We also have the same, white peony blooming too :) Isn't the scent wonderful? Your peas are so far ahead of mine!

  14. I'm hoping our peonies can make it until Saturday. I've got plans to use them on the tables at Emma's graduation open house. Your blooms are just gorgeous. I can't wait to get life under control again once the school year is over and I can let my husband take over with grilling duty. I'll be showing him your blog. You've got some great ideas.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!