
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pickled String Beans

Hey everyone-it's green bean season, how about an easy refrigerator pickle! I picked what I had left in the garden and came into the house with about 30 string beans. This is a nice easy project, from picking to picture took about 20 minutes, and I used this recipe HERE as my guideline.
  • Pack your jar tight if you can, I had room for quite a few more string beans.
  • They should stay pretty crunchy as the only heat they encounter is the brine.
  • If you like Bloody Mary's or Martini's I hear they are a nice addition to the drink. (But only if you use the dill sprigs, I don't think folks want dill weed floating around their martini:@) 
  • They are also a fun addition to a cheese and cracker tray!
  • This recipe is for 1-2 pints, just increase it if you're making more pickles.
  • It is important that these be stored in the fridge, they are not canned, simply marinated.
Refrigerator Pickled String Beans
**The original recipe calls for a 26-32oz jar, I just used one pint (16oz) jar.
1/2 lb string beans, trimmed (or as much will fit in a medium jar)-I could have easily used 40 beans.
1 C white vinegar - I used 1/2 C
1 C water - I used 1/2 C
2 garlic cloves, smashed - I used one
1 tsp yellow mustard seeds - I used 1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp whole peppercorns - I used 1/4 tsp
2 tsp sugar - I used 1 tsp
1/2 tsp salt - I used 1/4 tsp Kosher salt
1 bay leaf - yep
dash red pepper flakes - yep
3 sprigs fresh dill - I used 1 1/2 tsp dried dill weed

NOTE: This works for about a 26-32 ounce jar. For the larger end of that range, add some water and vinegar to the brine before microwaving to add volume.

1) Place string beans upright in a 32-ounce glass jar. Trim any ends that reach the top of the jar. Add in dill sprigs. In a perfect world I would have used the dill sprigs, I didn't have them and subbed dill weed.

2) Combine all other ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl (or large measuring cup). Microwave for 90 seconds. Stir. Microwave for another 90 seconds.

3) Pour mixture into jar, leaving ½ inch of space at the top. After you pour in the brine, if the jar's not full, add water and vinegar (50/50) until it is. Screw on the lid.

4) Let cool to room temperature. Shake to distribute seeds and spices. Refrigerate.

5) Pickles are ready after four days, and will last a month in the fridge.

Have a happy day:@)
I'm Joining:
It's A Keeper Thursday
Full Plate Thursday
Foodie Friday


  1. Is thee nothing you cannot can? My mother was very good at this, but I do not recall us having any pickled green beans. I love green beans fixed anyway. I am sure I would enjoy these as well.

  2. Anything pickled gets my attention! I can just see these pickled beans on a winter's antipasti platter.


  3. They look yummy! Thanks for sharing the DIY!


  4. I have some beans needing attention. Into my jars they are going as Dilly Green Beans are my husbands favorite snack. Thanks for reminding me. Your recipe looks great along with your beans, easy and fresh!

  5. I have made dilly beans, but never these. They look too good not to try.

  6. Hi Lynn, these would be great on top of a simple tossed salad! Great recipe :o)

  7. My (ex) mother in law used to can dilly beans (as she called them). They were so good. You made me miss them! She's givin up canning due to her age.

  8. I love munching on these in the summer, but never knew how to make them! Thanks!


  9. Pickled string beans?? WAH?? Who knew? Certainly not something I have ever heard of anyone doing.


  10. Hi Lynn,
    thank you for the interesting recipe. May be sometimes I will try to make them.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. i just can not begin to tell you how much i love coming here...LOVE this....

    so happy to see you today, my friend

    kary and teddy

  12. I love pickles of any kind...and I love green beans (raw, better than any other way) so am sure I would like these.
    Thanks so much...
    xo bj

  13. This is a new one on me. I don't think I've ever tried pickled green beans, but they sound good.


  14. I love green beans, I haven't tried pickled but I'm game for anything.They look delish!
    I've been listening to lids pop myself!

  15. My mother made Dilly Beans years ago. Sounds very familiar.
    I plan to try your recipe and look forward to eating them. Making my mouth water. Yum.
    Take care.
    Bless you for sharing recipes.

  16. I love pickled green beans and always appreciate a recipe for small amounts and no hassle..Thanks! xo

  17. Another winner of a summer reicpe to try. My beans aren't ready yet, but they will be soon.
    Guess who visited me tonight... the fairy hobmother!!!!!
    YEA, he granted me my wish!
    So fun!

  18. this is great, I've made the ones you pickle and can but never have I saw these,, thanks so much for this,,

  19. My husband would loooooooove these! Thanks for posting! :D

  20. Do they taste as good as they look?

  21. They sound wonderful and how beautiful they look too with the herbs and seasonings!

  22. I can not wait to have some fresh to the farmers market tomorrow!

  23. I have never heard of pickled green beans. You are just a wonder! I get so many good recipes from you. I am going to get some green beans the next time I am at the store and try this out!

  24. We love these but I have never made them, I thought they had to be canned. We have bought them from a place in Michigan, but they were sold out when were there a couple of weeks ago. Thank you for the recipe! Woo Hoo!

  25. Sounds like a great recipe, I am going to give it a try.

    Visiting from Lori's blog, Family Trees may contain Nuts. Well of course they least my family does.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  26. Hi Lynn,
    Your beans are just finishing and my haricot beans are just about ready to pick!
    I always plant too many so this recipe will come in handy for sure!
    Many thanks

  27. Yum! We can pickled beans every year but, I have never added a bay leaf. I will have to try it this year. We are always lucky to have any of these left to serve at Christmas!

  28. Yum! And BEAUTIFUL! My beans aren't ready yet but I'll want to try this when they are. Thanks for sharing. Have a fabulous wknd!

  29. What a great idea! I will be making these this week end, I hope I can wait the four days, you know I am really bad at that waiting thing.Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and sure hope to see you again real soon!
    Miz Helen

  30. What a great idea! I will be making these this week end, I hope I can wait the four days, you know I am really bad at that waiting thing.Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and sure hope to see you again real soon!
    Miz Helen

  31. Thanks for sharing this recipe! I have green beans (zuchs and cucs too) coming out of my ears right now!

  32. Congratulations Lynn!
    You are featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. You are welcome to pick up your Featured Red Plate.
    Miz Helen

  33. My friends

    suggested that I should have steamed the beans (just a little) before packing in jars.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!