
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cool Beans or Tough Beans?

Hey everyone! Overnight Baked Beans-I couldn't wait to try this crock pot recipe when I saw it in Women's Day! Love beans and I'm always looking for tasty, easy, and in the summer-no heat-ways to make them. This simple six ingredient (plus S&P) recipe calls for some basic pantry items.
  1. I didn't have white beans on hand so I used pintos. No pre-soaking, just sort and rinse. 
  2. I made a half batch in a 4 quart, 180 degree slow cooker.
  3. Also chose to use white vinegar, no problem.
  4. I turned the cooker on and did not touch it for 12 hours. They weren't tender, after 15 hours I gave up and added them to a pot and finished cooking them on the stove for an hour. Maybe the difference in size between navy and pinto beans was the reason, or maybe this recipe is for the newer crock pots that cook hotter-not sure.
  5. When done I poured them into a cast iron skillet so they could keep warm on the grill.
Fab, Fair or Flop-the bottom line:
  1. Taste-This recipe makes a good, tasty, sweet basic baked bean. It never achieved the "syrupy" consistency they mention. It can be doctored up with any other spices/flavors you'd like, after they are done cooking I suggest a good shot of B-B-Q sauce and some hot sauce.
  2. Price-A bag of pintos was $1.12 at Walmart and I've seen them on sale at the supermarket as low as 79¢. Can't beat it for value.
  3. Method-Obviously it didn't work for me, I had to heat up the kitchen to finish them. I'll try navy beans or pre-soaking pintos between 6-8 hours, then cooking the beans for 8 hours next time. I think this recipe/method would work fine for the extra hot and humid days of July and August with a little pre-soaking. Also, I suggest you make them ahead of time just in case they need to cook a little longer.
  4. Grade=Fair-I will try this recipe one more time to see if I can make it Fab.
Have a happy day:@)


  1. They certainly look delicious! I think there is a difference in beans--also the age of the beans. You should have checked their I.D.! = )


  2. Thanks for the recipe Lynn! I am going to give it a try. Yesterday we went to a friend's house for a cookout and one of the guests brought crock pot beans that were so yummy, but I forgot to ask for the recipe. Your timing is just perfect!!

    Susan and Bentley

  3. I like to pressure cook my beans first, even with slow cooker recipes. They freeze so easily, flat in zip-top bags and if I remember right, you have a digital pressure cooker. I have never had success with soaking and cooking beans in a crockpot. Maybe it's my higher altitude, I'm not sure. Anyway, your end result looks delish Lynn. Hope your holiday was terrific.

  4. Cool beans or not, they look delish!
    I get Woman's Day, and I love the recipes too!

  5. I've cooked pinto beans overnight in the crock pot with great success. Were the beans older? I will try your recipe... I think you should definitely give it another try too!!

    Thanks for the recipe!

    Blessings, Debbie

  6. Those have to taste so much better than store bought! They certainly look better! Yum.

  7. Oh, I am so going to try this out! I love baked beans and if I can make them myself? Watch out! Thanks for posting the recipe! I just love the input that you put after the recipes. I find it soooo helpful!

  8. I've done the little navy beans this way and it worked just fine.
    Pintos would need higher heat and longer cooking time, I would think.
    When I do my Baked Beans,using pintos, I cook them over night in a slow oven, bacon layered, all the sweetness added, plenty of liquid, covered and by about 4 in the morning, it is smelling so good that we can barely sleep. :)
    hugs, bj

  9. mmmm, sound good might give these a try and use your tips,, we are bean lovin fools in this house!

  10. Great recipe to have on hand! I love the patriotic pigs below too. I hope you had a wonderful 4th!

  11. I'm sure your beans took extra to cook because the pinto beans were larger. I honestly like their taste better than navy beans. Very often I do the two minute boil method first, and have success. I'll have to try this recipe as I love beans!

  12. They sound good. I like molasses in my baked beans.

    I hope you are having a great week. La

  13. I keep saying I'm going to do beans from scratch but that talking dog on the commercial is so persuasive! Loved the nudge to try a new recipe.

  14. Everyone needs a really good baked bean recipe. I love them but, I can never achieve that "syrupy" consistency either (sigh). Although, not quite the consistency you were looking for, it is still a really flavorful baked bean dish.


  15. I've made 1 lb of white beans in the crock pot with a piece of ham.
    I did soak them in the crock pot without heat for several hrs before starting them at bedtime.
    The next morning delicious. No seasonings as the ham gives it all it needs.
    A cheap and easy meal.
    Blessings, Barb

  16. How does one tell an old bean from a young bean?
    Pre-soak is the key. No salt until they have cooked or they go tough.
    I add crumbled hot Italian sausage to mine.

  17. I love honest commentary. I think I am too impatient for beans, although I have bucketloads in the basement (in case I am starving some day!)

  18. OOoo! Im going to try this one...I have two old antique bean pots I used for soaking overnight - makes me feel so old fashioned when we use them'!

  19. They sure do LOOK good!
    I just open a can of Bush's. :/

  20. Well, they certainly look delicious. I love baked beans, too.

  21. I would like to give these a try. I have been trying not to eat processed foods and these would be a great alternative. I have been trying to eat only foods where I know what went in the can. LOL

  22. I only use the navy beans, so I don't know about the others, Soak them overnight, they cook them low and slow overnight.

  23. Hi Lynn, I admire you for trying this. I personally doctor up a couple of cans of pork and beans with ketchup, mustard, brown sugar and onions. Cooking is not my favorite thing, but I do love to BAKE. Pies, cookies, 'em!
    Hugs, Beth


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!