
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Daylily Ice Cream

As soon as I started thinking about the Ice Cream Socials I knew I wanted to try this! I had just received an issue of Urban Farm Magazine and it had a recipe for Daylily Ice Cream in it. While I didn't make theirs I did use it as inspiration and I'll list both recipes.

Common daylilies are edible, 
I spent some time researching it and decided to remove the stamen because one article said to.

Daylily Ice Cream (my version)
2 C Half and Half
1/2 C 2% milk
2/3 C sugar
2 egg yolks (leave out if you don't want to use them)
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp orange extract
15 day lillies (mix of flowers and buds)
  1. Add all to a blender, mix well.
  2. Chill for one hour.
  3. Add to ice cream maker, following directions.
  • Tastes like Creamsicle Ice Cream to me!
  • It's very pretty with the flecks of color in it.
  • Sub some heavy cream for part of the half and half or milk if you'd like.
  • Am I suggesting you run out and pick your flowers to make ice cream? Na, this is just something fun and different to try if you'd like to. 
Have a happy day:@)

I'm putting on my fat jeans and joining:
A Musing Potpourri
Kitchen Bouquet
Sweets for Saturday
Seasonal Sunday
This Week's Cravings


  1. Call me the dumbest blond on the planet, but I have never heard of eating daylilies! This looks so different, and I would love to try it. Unfortunately, the drought got my daylilies this year. (Yes, I know I could have watered them. Shh.)

  2. This recipe is a new one on me! If it's as delicious as it looks, I want some. Beautiful photo! Oh, and I only have "fat" jeans.


  3. Hi! I had no idea you could eat daylilies. Love blogging, I always learn something new. This would be delicious today. It's CRAZY hot here!

  4. I am so intrigued by this recipe! We grow daylilies and I think this would be so fun to do!

    I enjoyed this article so much. When I read your last line about the fat jeans, I snorted milk out my nose.

    Needless to say, I am your newest follower.

  5. I've started enjoying daylily and rice salad so I'm certain that I would love daylily ice cream. What a neat and unusual idea. Funny about those fat jeans. I've had to put mine on just visiting folks on the tour.

  6. Lovely...and such a fascinating recipe ;-) Peace and blessings

  7. I love this!!! I have never heard of eating day lilies. I am so going to make this. {It would be the perfect dessert for a group of ladies.} I also love your presentation. I love different and you definitely delivered. :-)

  8. This was fun!!! Probably could do the same with Nastursiums ... ya think? You certainly made me smile!

  9. Makes for some gorgeous ice cream. We are still eating ice cream at our house that we made for the 4th of July... Should have it gone by, oh gosh.... October maybe? LOL


  10. Love your Centus and the bloom'n ice cream!

  11. I never knew you could eat daylilies! It's a very pretty color and I bet tastes delicious!

  12. OH MY! This sounds delicious! I haven't thought of those creamsicles in years! I always LOVED them best! ♥

  13. GOSH!...I didn't know this either,was it good?...didn't know we had the ingredients growing in the yard!yippee.

  14. I collect all sorts of recipes for cooking with flowers and am so glad to add this one to the file. Thanks for sharing it. Daylily buds areat just sauteed in a little butter and seasoned with salt. Kind of like asparagus, but better.

    Thanks again!

  15. I had no idea you could eat these pretty flowers.:)
    The ice cream sounds delicious.
    I had to take off MY jeans and find pants with ELASTIC in the waist band.

  16. I am all over this! I knew you could eat them, but never had an ice cream recipe for them before!
    Thank you for sharing!

  17. I love daylilies and never knew that you could eat them! I just gave all my ditch lilies away too! Waaaah! I don't know if I would be daring enough to eat them, but this recipe sounds so delicious and very tempting!

  18. I had no idea that you could eat the ice cream tastes as pretty as they are!

  19. I didn't know you could eat daylilies, either! Mine are about gone, but my neighbor has a zillion! I'm going to steal a few and make this! Thanks for sharing.

  20. Lynn, this is the most creative ice cream I have ever seen. I never knew day lilies were edible. I like your recipe alot. I will give it a try. I will be joining the parties later tonight and definitely putting on the big girl stretchy pants. xo,

  21. I'll be! I've never heard of this but am delighted you came up with the recipe. Bob loves daylilies and part of my daily routine at this time of year is to remove spent blooms. I sure have the ingredients :-). I really am going to try your version. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  22. Like most everyone else I had no clue that daylilies are edible!
    The things you learn at an ice cream social.
    BTW forget the fat jeans, after all the ice cream I'm seeing today a muu muu is my attire this weekend!

  23. This sounds yummy! I didn't know you could eat daylilies. BTW - praying you find all the courage you need!

  24. Never heard of this! It looks pretty! Joni

  25. No flowers in mine please. But you have inspired me to break out the ice cream freezer. Wouldn't be summer without it.

  26. Add me to the list of those you didn't know you could eat daylilies! I'm sure other edible flowers would work too. Such a unique idea! The presentation is beautiful.

    I loved the poem!

  27. Hi Lynn, Last winter I attended a class on edible flowers and I have quite a lengthy list. I've never tried daylilies but your ice cream sounds awesome and the photos are pretty. Like your poetry, too, dear friend!
    xox Beth

  28. I sugared some pansies for an ice cream cake once! I love your centus and your ice cream idea!!

  29. Oh, what a clever Centus and I just love the recipes. The women in our church are having an ice cream social next week...this is perfect, thanks !

  30. Oh "WOW" is all I can say cause I have day lilies and never realized one could eat them, so you mean I was standing out in the yard admiring them and I could have been nibbling on them all that time???? keep this up and I won't have a flower anywhere, and if lost and hungry I could keep from starving by eating the neighbor's flowers as well, ha ha ha. Thank you for sharing, I love your blog, it always makes me laugh. When ever I see a pig, I think of you(not in a bad way, mind you)and another friend who collects them,I have a few in my kitchen as well :)

  31. I love the idea of eating flowers. Makes me think it will enhance my inner beauty!


  32. Very nice! I put a scoop of raspberry sherbet in the center of the daylily, and it makes my dinner guests ask if the daylily is edible. It sure is!

  33. One more good reason to plant more flowers. Yuuummmm.

  34. That looks so refreshing! We used to make icecream on Sunday's when the grandparents came for Sunday dinners. Those were the days!~Ames

  35. looks and sounds really delicious!
    love the photos... you have such a beautiful blog.

    hope your weekend is going well.

  36. I've always been a fan of dessert first even if it means there's not room for the entree. Your ice cream looks like it would be a great standalone meal. Pretty and tasty all at the same time.

  37. pansies, yes daylilies, no.
    You had all that stuff on hand?

  38. How pretty is this ice cream? I love it, and your centerpiece is beautiful.

    Thanks for all your help getting ready for the ice cream social. You are the best! Thanks for linking up! La

  39. Hello,
    oh my, I couldn't put those wonderful day lilies into the blender. How did they taste? Can't imagine, how they taste. But it seems a success. May be I try it with one flower.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  40. I should be mad that you've stolen a perfectly genius idea for a Kitchen Bouquet ice cream!!!!! In all my garden reading I have never happened across the idea that daylily's were edible. I have so many blooming at the moment that I have a few to spare :-) Did it add a peppery flair like nasturtiums do? Beautiful post. Thanks for coming to the social! Mark it on your calendar for next year.

  41. How exotic and gorgeous. I would never have dreamed of using day lilies in ice cream! Yours are just gorgeous. We are such ice-cream nuts we will have to try this one.

  42. ice cream does help,
    stay cool,
    near a pool,
    and keep things fun and true.

    Happy Weekend,
    enjoyed your powerful outlet on the prompt.

  43. Didn't know they were edible.. wow. Ice cream looks great. Happy Summer, many blessings, marlis

  44. Your lily is lovely, but give me the biggest dish of ice cream you have.

  45. Well, this just looks fun and cool! I have been wanting to do something edible with the daylilies and I might just try this simply to say I did! Thanks for dropping by DTL Herbs and your comment.

  46. I wholeheartedly agree and I love the way you combined this with a recipe.
    Great job. Now for some ice-cream.

  47. And to think I've had ice cream fixin's in my flower bed all along and didn't even know it! That's certainly new to me, but it sure looks delicious. :) I wonder if all of the colors taste the same!

  48. Just had some coconut ice cream and it was great!

    (Not as great as your Daylily, I'll bet!)


  49. I had no idea they were edible! I can't believe the amazing things that I learn from you Lynn! Thanks for sharing this!

    Take care and best wishes for a wonderful week!
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me

  50. Now this has got to be the most interesting recipe that I've come across in a long time!

    I had no idea that day lilies were edible. Now you've got me awfully curious and I want to taste them...especially in this ice cream! :)

    Thanks so much for sharing the recipe! :)

  51. Talk about learning something new! My day lilies are in full bloom, the little electric ice cream maker is in the freezer ready at an instant's notice so tonight's the night to try this. I'm excited!

  52. Fascinating! If you don't hear from me for a few days it's because my husband has locked me up for gnawing on my daylilies. Maybe I should show him your post before I go out to the garden.

  53. Oh brilliant! :D And delicious too :) Heading toward the fridge!

  54. Lynn,
    What a gorgeous presentation! I assumed daylilies were poisonous. Good to know!

  55. I neve knew that day lilies were edible! This ice cream sounds so unique--what a fabulous taste it must be!

  56. I never knew day lilies were edible either. This looks so interesting and beautiful. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  57. Love your contribution to Sat. Centus, and your recipe. I learn something new every day in Blogville. I had no idea Day Lilies were eadible. Yum! laurie

  58. When I was in college I majored (for a while) in Geology. We'd go on "wild food" weekends and eat off the land. I remember eating daylily bulbs and they were quite good. Making ice cream out of the blossoms is something new to me. I wish I've have known about this back then!

  59. Oh my goodness you are daring in trying daylily ice cream! It does look fun to try though I must admit :)

    I am using your Sat. Centus as my new motto it is so hot here and I'm not getting any younger either so I may as well cool off with another bowl, LOL!

  60. Thank you for commenting on my SC-post. You were the very first commenter and received and extra picture-link back to this blog.

    Love your poem. Great text for the prompt.

    And the day-lily-recipe is intriguing. I'd love to try it, but then I'd have to buy day-lilies in the shop or maybe there are some left in the garden...(my ex's garden...)

    Best wishes,

    For the benefit of other readers.
    Books are heavy-Anna's SC wk 63

  61. Many years ago I attempted to make violet ice cream.

    Yeah. It wasn't so great! Lemon verbena was wayyyy better.

    This was such a clever and creative use of the prompt. I can't believe you came up with such a good rhyme with these few words!

  62. Your ice cream is gorgeous Lynn! My MIL had the most gorgeous assortment of Daylilies that I wish I had gotten a start of before she moved.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!