
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Feelin' Crabby???

Hey everyone-Happy Tablescape Thursday! I found some fun crab items on my last trip to Christmas Tree Shops. Here's a little ode to summer...

Feeling crabby and kinda blue?
Don't let the hot weather get to you.
Set a course and raise your sail,
Soon you'll have crabs in your pail.

A cocktail party when we're through,
Don't need forks, it'll be finger food.
We'll enjoy a day in the sun,
Summer's here, let's have some fun!
CTS Plates $1.29, pack of napkins $1, placemats 69¢.
Milk glass plate from Salvation Army 59¢.
Clam dishes flea market 25¢
Fish vase and star candle holder TJ Maxx. Flowers from garden.
Wine glasses Walmart, shells free on beach.

And Earl says:
Putting your feet up on an Adirondack chair isn't a bad way to spend the day either!
Have a happy day:@)


  1. These are have made a lovely tablescape....enjoy your hot weather....we have another cold front on the way!!!!

  2. Wish I lived where we could get frsh crab; we are just starting to get a taste of eh warm weather.

  3. Hello Lynn,
    fabulous tablescape. Love the napkins with the plates, so perfect. And look at Earl's face - he is smiling so much. What a lucky pig!
    Best greetings, Johanna

  4. I love this placesetting with a poem, Lynn! We're getting ready to head to the beach, so I can especially relate to your tabletop today!

  5. Lovin this "happy" place setting!!! Everything is that milkglass plate !!!
    Have a beautiful day!!!

  6. I love those plates! I have been looking for some outdoor plates and those are cute! Ugh, now where is a Christmas tree store? I've got to find one of those. Love the dinner prose also. Earl looks really comfy chilling in that chair!

  7. Lynn,
    Neat post. I am going to CTS in North Conway next week I hope. Plan to explore whole store. Hubby will wait in car with Kindle.

  8. Fabulous! Love the poem and your tablescape. I sure wish we had a Christmas tree store nearby they seem so chock full of goodies from all that I've seen. Those plates are so cute. Earl sure has the right attitude!

  9. VERY cute table setting... anyone would love to pig out while sitting there.


  10. That Earl lives the good life--high on the hog so to speak. I'm not familiar with CTS stores. Love the tablescape.


  11. Earl knows how to live it up! I really like this pretty coastal table setting. The glass fish is so cute and so is everything else.


  12. Lynn, Your tablescape is adorable! I wish we had a Christmas Tree Store in our area.
    blessings, Beth

  13. How cute! I LOVE those plates! And I think I have a little chair like that! Maybe Earl would like to visit Florida! heehee! ♥

  14. Great plates! Crabs? Earl's fine with that?
    He looks pretty cool in his chair!

  15. You are a good poet. Made me smile while having breakfast. I love a good shore dinner. Cute finds at the CTS. xo,

  16. Now I feel crabby because we don't have CTS or TJ's over here!
    Love what you found there, have fun in the sun.

  17. Sweet, I hope you have a happy day too. Hugs!

  18. Every time I come to visit your blog I know that a big smile is going to appear on my face!!! Thanks... xoxoxo, Flavia

  19. Good sea food is not easy to come by here. I like certain things. I would probably enjoy anything you prepared tho.

  20. Awesome tablescape. It would make a "crabby" person nice. Of course with Earl as a dinner companion the day would be perfect. Gotta get me some of those shades. Hi Earl, you handsome hunk of bacon. OOPS, Sorry, not politically correct. Love ya Earl. Ginger:)

  21. The crab on the dish looks so real! This is a fun summer design. I love eating battered sauteed soft shell crabs...yum!

  22. Earl looks mighty happy! Who can blame him. It looks like you are all set for a perfect party. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  23. Love the ode and the table "e-scape" (escape the heat) would be sweet in Virginia where my oldest son lives and he loves crab-cakes!

  24. Earl knows how to live. LOVE those crab plates! Lovely place setting...makes me want to sit down and dig into a nice plate full of seafood. Now my mouth is watering! Have a great day!
    Maura :)

  25. What fun! I would love to enjoy a meal at this table!

  26. Oh how cute! Beautiful and fun.

  27. Love this cute tablescape but the poem really made me smile...well that and Earl! Sorry I missed the Pillsbury party. I'm away from home helping my daughter and SIL and without my camera...can you believe I forgot it? Next time I hope.

  28. How cute!!!! I love your dishes...I wish we had a CTS here. They have such great bargains! Love the matching napkins! Earl is having too much fun! I hope he has sunscreen on!


  29. Cute "invitation" and cute tablescape. Love the cool blue crab plates and napkins. I could really enjoy crab cakes right now. Earl looks really "cool" too with his shades and glass of wine. :)

  30. I have been wondering what CTS was! What great finds. Everything looks so great. I love how you put it all together. Have a great day! Tell Earl he looks really good relaxing in a lawn chair.

  31. Lovely tablescape and Earl is looking pretty relaxed!

    :o) I'm really tickled poink (haha...that was a typo...but I'm leaving it since it fits...oink) I meant to just type "pink"... to have joined in wiht your fun blog hop. Thanks for stopping by...the skillet bread is just the easiest side to add to any meal! I make it all the time...well...more so when we have our kids or company...since it is not on the "watch the carbs and calories" kind a food.

    Thanks again for a wonderful hop!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  32. Hi lovely lady. I love your lovely Tablescape sweet lady. I would love to have your crab plates also sweet lady. I do follower your sweet Blog. I hope you have a Great Evening with your lovely family.
    XXOO Diane

  33. This is such a fun tablescape. Earl is definitely enjoying this warmer weather.

  34. Very cute poem. I'll have what Earl is having.

  35. I'm loving those plates!! Sweet poem, too. Earl loves the weather and that's great right there! I also love crab, thank you...I'd love to go eat at your house sweetie. I just dropped from TT at BNOTP. Hugs, FABBY

  36. Haha I hope you have a happy day too!!!

    Thanks for sharing
    and for the cute little piggy pic!

  37. Cute! Looks like Earl has the right idea. I'll pull up a chair and join him.

  38. oh my gosh did this make me smile...laugh out loud. LOVE IT!!!

  39. Love your blue crab table! Everything is so cute and such a bargain!

  40. Those are really cool plates and napkins, Lynn. It's such a fun theme and even though I'm not much of a seafood eater, I think I'd even try a taste of crab. :-) Sue

  41. I need to make a trip to the nearest CTS. That stuff is so cute. I have been known to set a crabby table, but it has more to do with being 49 than plates and napkins if you know what I mean.

  42. No way I'd feel crabby at that table. Love the fish vase!


  43. Wonderful crabby table! Love the pig.

    - The Tablescaper

  44. So perfectly summery!!! Love that little fish vase!

  45. I love those crabby plates!!! Take a look at my post and you'll see we were on the same track. Love your's.

  46. Very cute crab plates Lynn! and your poetry is just as fun as the tablesetting!

  47. A truly lovely setting. I love those fish vases.. so perfect. That is one lovely plate! Love the blue and the crabs.. so perfect.

  48. What a great setting! I can't believe the plates were so inexpensive, great job!

  49. What great stuff! I love anything having to do with the sea and those plates would look just perfect beneath my homemade crab cakes.

  50. Your table is almost as cute as Earl!

  51. What a fun place setting. I have to head to CTS. I haven't been there in a while.

  52. The treasures you find are amazing! I'm glad little piggie joined in the fun, otherwise he'd have been crabby!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!