
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Celebrity Cook-Along, Pillsbury Doughboy!

Hey everyone-Welcome to the Celebrity Cook-Along with the Pillsbury Doughboy! This month I invited you to make The Bake-Off's Tomato Topped Onion Bread Wedges with me or any other Pillsbury recipe.
 So, who picks a fresh tomato recipe when tomatoes aren't in season yet?
Oh yea, that would be me.

Earl was so excited to meet a celebrity as big as the Doughboy,
he was grinning from ear to ear!
Don't let the chef hat fool you, he couldn't boil a hot dog, er... make that water:@)

The star of the show:
Plan A was to use beautiful red Roma tomatoes... they were pale pink at the store. 
"Vine Ripened" weren't much better but that's what I bought.
I also used a green pepper I had on hand.
1. Topping cooked and cooling.
2. Crust ready for the oven.
3. Crust out of the oven.
4. Prepared Bruschetta.

Chow time!
  • Because my tomatoes were sad I did add a teaspoon of sugar.
  • Red peppers (and tomatoes) would be a lot prettier.
  • If you taste the topping after mixing it you might think "hummm not amazing", but once added to the bread, it's very good!
  • I like this, do I like it more than fresh Bruschetta? Honestly no, but it's very good for out of season tomatoes.
***Don't forget to stop by Jo's blog LazyonLoblolly-HERE
she's having a fun Pillsbury Give-Away,
Win your very own Doughboy and 101 Things To Do With Canned Biscuits cookbook!***

Ok, did you make this or something else? Link up and let's see:@)
Have a happy day!


  1. I love bruschetta, and on top of a pizza crust?! Love it. xo,

  2. I don't have a recipe to share but yours looks amazing.
    I've Become My Mother
    I've Become My Mother facebook
    A Proud Member of Voice Boks!
    Come Visit My Blog and See How You Can Join A Year Long Hop!

  3. WHOOHOO!...WE GOT THIS PARTY STARTED!!..we are going to have so much fun!
    I love tomatoes, I even put a few slices on my cresent bake!
    I am all ready enjoying this COOKALONG and my FIRST GIVEAWAY!
    The anxious feeling and nervousness is getting slightly better.Pop over and check see if I did this correctly!Thanks for being my bloggy buddy!!And for all the help walking me thru my first givaway.You my friend are a "PEACH", and I'm so happy to see EARL sweet smilin' face,

  4. If I weren't getting out of town--again--I'd join you! Looks delicious.


  5. I love this! I will need to run to the store, make something, and join the party!!! :D I am visiting from Jo's blog.

  6. Ooooh, that looks so good! I think you did a wonderful job! Look at what a piggie I am, 3 entries! Now I am off to snag that fat boy!

  7. Hi Lynn, I've shared my Three Cheese Garden Pizza. This is made with the thin crust Pillsbury dough. Gotta love Earl :o)

  8. This is fun; just added my recipe.

  9. That looks delicious, Lynn! I really enjoy your Celebrity Cook-Alongs! Gotta cook, so might as well make it fun as well as delicious.
    Blessings, Beth

  10. Lynn,
    Yes, the peppers and homegrown tomatoes would be more colorful, but this is lovely!
    Oh, and I forgot to mention....I will never forget getting stung by a bee while mowing. All of a sudden I saw this big fuzzy thing headed straight for my face and he stung me just below the eye. I was trying to mow and hold an ice pack to my face after that. That's where the self propelled feature comes in handy...

  11. Hi, stopping by to share my Pillsbury post - it's not a bread product, but it did come from the Pillsbury 5-minute recipe book. Excited to see what everyone else made. Thanks for hosting!

  12. Ummm...I just came over from visiting Jo@ Lazyonloblolly. Came to give a shout out to EARL. Is he here? :)
    Just kidding!
    Anyway...I am glad I did. Wow..lots to read and look at. Wonderful!!

  13. HI EARL! Love all the delish' eats! I will be posting mine too

  14. Oh yum! this looks so good and will be great once the veggies start coming in from the garden!

  15. I wish I could be around when you all having this great cook off. Everything looks so good.

  16. This looks & sounds so tasty Lynn! Thanks for the Pillsbury fun~ tell Earl the Dough Boy is 50 years old this year :-)

  17. I FOUND A BABY TOMATO ON ONE OF MY PLANTS! WOO-HOO! I'll be able to make this recipe in no time at all. ;o}

    Earl, did you get your teeth whitened for the party?

  18. I linked-up! Shelley, my thirteen year old daughter, wanted to help, so she picked a plain biscuit recipe. She over handled the dough a little, but overall they are good! I am proud of her!

    I think Earl would like them!

  19. Looks good! I love anything made with Crescent rolls!

    I'm joining in too! Thanks for hosting!


  20. Yum!!! We love that cute little guy! haha I ahve a recipe to share, but since I only have a wee bit of time to even barely manage one post a week...I will see if I can get my post up tomorrow! And I dont see that anyone has yet submitted hopefully, I can get mine together to submit before someone else does :o)

    Cute Blog hop!!!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  21. oops! I spoke too soon! For some reason...I stopped at Jo's awesome Cordon Bleu recipe...and when I went back to her post again, saw that I stopped too soon! haha So...she shared the wonderful Monkey Bread recipe that I was thinking of linking up with :o) hm...I'll have to think of another to share... Anyhoo...just wanted to say again, what a great blog hop!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  22. That looks really delicious!! I want a slice or two right now!!

  23. Lynn...this looks awesome. I love the shortcuts we can get using the dough!


  24. Lynne, That Earl is such a funny guy! Thank you for hosting this fun monthly event. I look so forward to it! I'm going to try your pizza. YUMMY! What's not to love about great savories piled up on dough!
    Thanks again!

  25. This looks amazing...gonna try this for sure.
    I think it looks pretty, just the way you have it.

    Could you kindly tell me the name of Earl's dentist...I need whiter teeth. :)))
    xoxoxo bj

  26. Lynn - Thanks for hosting this fun party each month. Also, thanks for keeping me on my toes and letting me know it was Jo with the giveaway :)

    Love that we used the same dish, I don't know about you but mine's a FEW years old.

  27. That looks like it would make a nice horsdoeuvre too. I had hoped to be able to make my dish to share but this trip has been too busy. I am hoping to still share it when I get back. You'll probably faint when I actually do join in! xo

  28. Great round-up or recipes. What a fun event, Lynn. Thanks for hosting.

  29. Lynn, this looks great. I had planned to join in with Dough Boy cookies, but no time in the kitchen this week. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  30. I'm visiting from LazyonLoblolly. What a fun cook off...all recipe look delicious and hard to pick just one to prepare. :)

  31. I am so excited to finally take part in your cook along! Thank you so much for hosting!
    Everything looks fabulous already and I cannot wait to peruse all the recipes.
    Have a great day!

  32. I'm definitely copying this recipe down, it looks and sounds delicious! I've always loved making anything with Pillsbury Dough:-) I have a huge veggie garden (it just got planted this week so will be a while yet before anything is ready) and we always plant tomatoes and peppers so this recipe will be perfect to use them in!! I've had a crush on the Dough Boy since I was a young teen, even have a picture of me holding one when I got him for Christmas when I was 12 years old! hehe xox

  33. Oops, forgot to say HI EARL!!! lol

  34. Where on earth did you find a chef's hat for Earl? That is so funny! Sorry, I'm a tad late but we had our little grandson all day yesterday :)

    That tomato topped onion bread sounds wonderful! That will be even more delicious with home grown tomatoes - yum.

  35. Love Pillsbury dough and the doughboy... You have some awesome photos:)
    I don't have a recipe right now but will stop by later.... check out my blog if you get a chance!!

  36. Hi, just found your blog. I am a new blogger and am linking up Fudge Nougats a recipe from the 1963
    Bake-Off. Hope people enjoy them. The recipes are looking very good. Thanks for having this party.

  37. Looks so great! I love Earl's chef hat? What a big smile he has! I will have to go visit all the great recipes.

  38. Nothing like pizza! Thanks for hosting!
    Earl looks hungry. We had one of his relatives for dinner tonight! Sorry, we pigged out! :)

  39. So many yummy things! Reminds me... I need to go to the grocery story!

    Hi Earl!!

  40. A little late but I added Ranchero Crescent Rounds! Thanks for hosting :)

  41. I was over at LazyonLoblolly and all the sudden remembered I was going to add stuff to your party. Glad I got in right on tiime before it closed.

    Glad to know who Earl is! Somehow his name never cemented in my memory, so I wondered who on earth she was talking about.

  42. I'm sorry I didn't get my act together to join in --I am having eye issues that aren't pleasant. I have been enjoying seeing all the recipes on so many blogs and have copied quite a few --like yours--for future use!

  43. All these recipes look gosh darn goood! Hi Earl!~Ames


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!