
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pig Alert!

Hey everyone-Happy Seasonal Sunday! Since it's that time of the year we're working in the yard,
I thought I'd share some silly pics of pig paraphernalia for the garden today!

Planters, actually I really do like these:@)

 They have these watering cans at my nursery.

Crazy wind socks!

Bird house with a pig weathervane.

And um... This reminds me, I really should get up off my butt and go finish planting my flowers. 
Have a happy day:@)


  1. Hi my dear.... I missed you a lot!!! I love the fist and the last pigs...WONDERFUL!!!! Have a nice weekend, hugs, Flavia

  2. Very cute watering can but my favorite has to be the 'bottom' one that reminded you to go finish planting your flowers, hahaha!

  3. I REALLY Like that first photo and that Pig planter! He is pretty realistic! LOVE your post!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  4. Cute pigs for the garden. My Paula Deen recipe is in the oven now. I will try to link up later. hugs, Linda

  5. Hi Lynn! Glad Blogger is fixed so I can comment. Love those little piggy things and the last one was a hoot. I hope I didn't offend little, oh, I forgot his little name, is it Elmer? Well, hope I didn't offend him cooking and eating pork! Tell him it was chicken.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Earl! It just came to me! :)
    Continue being a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. There is no doubt, you are pig crazy.

  8. Love your love for pigs! That is just way too cute! I'm going to have to get it together and join you and Paula, sounds like fun!


  9. I am so loving these pigs. I especially love the pink and black wind sock and the butt in the air pig. I really, really like that one. Is it available for purchase somewhere? Don't get in to deep in the yard. You wouldn't want to get stuck there. LOL. Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs and Oinks, Ginger

  10. Oh my! What fun. I think the first and second to the last want to come and live at my house!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  11. Lynn, I don't pass by a pig that I don't think of you and Earl. So many fun little piggies out and about. Have to say the planter is pretty cute. I can see it with beautiful blooms cascading over the edges. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  12. The birdhouse with the pig weather vane is about eight kinds of awesome!

  13. Hi Lynn,
    Every garden should have one of these cute little piggies. I bet your garden holds a few.


  14. I love the last little piggy, he would look cute in my yard! xo,

  15. Lynn,
    What great piggies! I like them all! Have a great weekend.

  16. Cutie Pie bird house with pig instead of rooster. It's about time somebody knock that guy off the roof!!!

  17. That is such a cute assortment of pigs. I must say the wind socks and birdhouse are very nice indeed.

  18. LOL! That last picture is a hoot!...Christine

  19. Cute piggies! That reminds me I still need to plant flowers too. Oh well- maybe tomorrow. :)

  20. Hi, when I saw your pig-ture in a comment box, I just had to swing by your blog and I'm so glad I did!! lol, I wouldn't mind having a cute piggy planter in my garden.
    Have a lovely weekend, Jannet

  21. How fun! I love your pig paraphernalia, especially your bird house!!

  22. Now you have me looking for little cute piggies everywhere I go.....:))

  23. LOL!!! Started my Sunday with a giggle & a smile. :D

  24. Such cute piggies in the garden!
    LOL, love that last little piggy :)

  25. Love the last pig! That picture was an out loud giggle.

    Now that blogger is back, I hope to get caught up...


  26. too cute. that first wind sock is my fave.

  27. Too cute! That last frame is a real giggle. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  28. Darling post. I bought a pig from Mexico yesterday that I love. Dianne

  29. I'm seeing more and more pigs lately and they all remind me of you and Earl :) I'd love that terra cotta pig in my garden!

  30. Holy Cow! Those wind socks give new meaning to "When pigs fly."

    Did you buy the watering can?

  31. OH MY! I need that last pig in my yard too..what a great reminder it is for sure! LOL! Love it!

  32. Lynn, I think you have all us bloggy gals thinking of you when we see pig things!

  33. Hi Lynn,
    lovely collection of cute pigs.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  34. Oh, too funny! Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. Very, very cute! Have a great garden day.

  36. lol This little piggy went to the market....

    Great pigs ~ have a great week

  37. Ha! How could one not love the last photo! I have been digging in the dirt for weeks and still have more to do :) I wonder if I look like this to my neighbors....

  38. Hi Lynn,

    These are so great!! I happen to be a fan of pigs mysef, and I have to say that my favorite is the darling birdhouse with the pig weathervane. That's probably because I love the birds as well. Thanks for sharing. I saw your post on Seasonal Sundays -- I've just started participating in that as of last Sunday.



  39. The pig windsock is just too darn cute.

  40. I can completely understand your love of pigs. I have a number of clay pig planters around my house, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Every time I see one, I buy it. And they're not hard to find in south central Texas - which means I buy them all the time! Keep having fun with your pigs!

    Monty Montgomery


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!