
Monday, May 23, 2011

Oma's Rhubarb Cake

Hey everyone! I have two rhubarb plants in my yard. Why two? Well, I keep buying "red" rhubarb plants and  they turn out to be green. Thank you Walmart. I read once the only way to be 100% assured of getting red is to take a division of a crown you see growing red. I'm a believer!!!
PS-There's nothing wrong with the green, it still tastes great, it's just not as pretty as the red.

I found this recipe on and once again Oma is da bomb!
My thoughts:
  • This is a nice, easy cake. 
  • I cut the recipe in half and used a 9" cake pan, it took about 37 minutes to bake. 
  • I'll use a 9" pie plate the next time. 
  • This is sweet, so there's plenty of room to reduce the sugar. 
  • I made the topping using the measurements as written. Used room temp butter and tossed everything, including a few shakes of cinnamon into the bowl at once. Mixed with a fork to a fine crumb consistency. It made a very crisp, crunchy topping, almost like candy. It was very good and different!
  • I really like this cake and will be freezing packs of 1 1/2 cups of rhubarb for future cakes.
Oma's Rhubarb Cake
1 1/4 C sugar (I used 1 C, might try 3/4 C next time)
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 C a/p flour
2 eggs, beaten
1 C sour cream
3 C diced rhubarb

1 C sugar (I might try cutting back to 3/4 C next time)
1/4 C butter, softened
1/4 C a/p flour
ground cinnamon for dusting (I just added a few shakes into the above and mixed it in)

  1. Preheat oven to 350. Grease and flour 9x13 baking dish.
  2. Stir together sugar, baking soda, salt and flour. Stir in the eggs and sour cream until smooth. Fold in rhubarb. Pour into prepared dish and spread evenly. 
  3. Topping-Stir together remaining sugar and butter till smooth. Add flour until crumbly and sprinkle over cake. Dust lightly with cinnamon. 
  4. Bake until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, about 45 minutes.
Have a happy day:@)

Masterpiece Monday
Foodie Friday
It's A Keeper


    1. Mmmm.... this sounds so good! I think I have some wild rhubarb growing in my flower bed, but I'm too chicken to try it for fear of poisoning the tribe. I will have to get some and try this though! I didn't know there was such a thing as too sweet!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ditto above....this looks good! A keeper.
      Thanks always for your gracious comments you leave on my blog.
      Shel x

    4. Yum! I love rhubarb and as a child would actually eat it raw with 'salt' on it...I know, strange kid.

      Have a good Monday! xo

    5. Oma God! That looks very yummy. My dad likes rhubarb so maybe I'll pick some up at the store (that's how I make sure it is red) and make this for him.

      I didn't even know rhubarb came in colors other than red. I amaze you with my gardening knowledge, don't I?

      We had rhubarb plants when I was a kid but they have since died out.

      Have a great day! It's raining AGAIN!

    6. Forgot to say that I love the new Patriotic banner.

    7. Looks good. I've never ate rhubarb.

    8. Lynne, This looks delicious. I haven't had rhubarb since we moved back down South. We enjoyed it when we lived in Montana and our lovely neighbor gave us lots of it for jams and pies. Enjoy that yummy cake and have a good week,

    9. Yummy! Looks delicious. I'm going to give it a try!

    10. Good morning Lynn. Thanks for your early morning visit today. I just had to correct three typos because I posted this after midnight. I can be guaranteed to make mistakes that late at night. HA!

      I have a rhubarb plant and I don't know when it is ripe. I also don't know if it is red or green. I am going to go down to the front yard and check it out. I planted it in my lily garden. Is green a bad thing? I LOVE rhubarb so I hope my plant is doing well. I'm getting on Google right now! (after I check my plant) The recipe looks awesome. Pie is my favorite though.
      Have a great day.
      Hugs, Jeanne

    11. These recipes using Rhubarb looks so delish! I still haven't found any fresh Rhubarb in Kroger,maybe I need to go shop somewhere else,I still going to try,Rhubarb!

    12. Love the new patriotic banner! Anything with a streusal topping is good to me! I think I had rhubarb once, in a pie filling mixed with strawberries. xo,

    13. This looks delicious. I still don't have a coveted rhubarb plant so I'm appreciating your helpful hint there too...

      Blessings, Debbie

    14. I've never had anything like this but it looks really good! I wish I had the space to grow rhubarb. Thanks for the recipe! :-)


    15. Wow...I've never had rhubarb! Just nothing anyone in my family has ever cooked. Looks good!

    16. oh, rhubarb! so underrated. i will have to look into getting a rhubarb plant myself!! wonder how that'd fair in VA... anyway! loves it, thanks for the post!

    17. Oh yum. Simple and delicious. The perfect recipe. Love the patriotic deviled eggs. They are perfect.

    18. never had rhubarb
      never knew it came in colors
      i might try it next time i
      see rhubarb pie @ the diner :D

    19. We love rhubarb! This is different from the many recipes that I have. The crunchy topping sounds delicious. Can't wait to put this on the table. Now to beg, borrow or steal some rhubarb.


    20. I am sorry about rhubarb. I had the same problem with peppers; I bought red, they grew green. Love rhubarb but there is none in the stores. This sounds yummy. Joni

    21. I have rhubarb on my shopping list for this week's farmers' market. I'll be sure to get enough to make this lovely cake.

    22. Huh, didn't know there was green rhubarb! Thank you for sharing this recipe on Masterpiece Monday, it looks so good! Have a great week, Mary :O)

    23. I have never had rhubarb pie. My aunt used to have it growing in her yard, and we used to love to visit and eat it. It was so sweet.

      I honestly haven't had it since. I need to rectify that!

    24. I have not had rhubarb in thirty years and at the prices they sell it here I will not have it again. My vegetable guy who sells local stuff at the road has some and I asked where it came from and he said Washington state. I said what on earth is local about that?

    25. One little thing can revive a guy, and that is a piece of rhubarb pie! Love it.

    26. I love rhubarb and this recipe looks delicious! I am so sorry that I missed the Paula Deen cooking day :( I have been swampted with graduation and many other projects that all fell at the same time! I will surely not miss the next one! I love visiting your blog!

    27. Hi Lynn, I did not know that rhubarb came in a choice of colors! I guess I thought the red and green were just variations of the same plant. I am trying to get to the Pillsbury page on your blog but the button on your sidebar connects to the Paula Deen page. I am hoping to join the next Celebrity Cook Along. Linda

    28. I have never even heard of a green rhubarb! I thought they were all red. I haven't been able to get one to grow here. I have tried a couple of times. I am the only one who likes it but I always think if I keep serving it someone will become a convert! This looks so moist and yummy. I guess I will have to go get some at the store.

    29. Oh, what a fun blog you have! I'm looking forward to exploring and keeping up!

    30. I want some rhubarb! I've never been able to get it to grow here, whatever the color. That cake sounds yummy. :)

    31. I love rhubarb! This looks wonderful!

    32. You know rhubarb is one of those things I've never cooked with and have only tasted a couple of times. Someone told me it had poison leaves once and I guess I thought I'd kill us if I cooked with it!

    33. My Mom used to make strawberry rhubarb pie, Yum.

    34. Looks good Lynn!.....christine

    35. I love rhubarb and never get beyond pie or stewing it. This looks great.

    36. I love rhubarb but have never had it in cake. This sounds like something I would really like.

    37. Love rhubarb, and have some growing next to my herb garden. It does freeze well and the recipe you found looks yummy. Thanks for sharing it :)

    38. Sure looks good. I am not sure I like rhubarb as I can't even remember what it taste like. My mother didn't make rhubarb pie very often.
      Wonder if apples would be good in this? Bet they would.
      xo bj

    39. This sounds good. I have never seen a rhubarb cake before.

    40. OH goodness this sounds good and I happen to have some rhubarb growing in the garden! Haven't had rhubarb cake for a while so I'm going to try this out. Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a wonderful weekend!
      Maura :)


    Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!