
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Good Fences...

Make good gardens. Hey everyone, the veggies are in and my seedlings are up, life is good! As I was sitting outside enjoying my handy work I watched a rabbit jump right over the chicken wire and into my garden.
He had to be this big!!!
Ok, that's an exaggeration and this is just a pic off the Net.
BUT, I'm telling you they all eat as much as this guy!

So I shooed him out of there and had to get out the big guns,
the Liquid Fence.
Have you tried this? It really does work.
I have chicken wire around the veggies but nothing around the cutting garden 
and this protected it very well last year.
The only thing is it really does stink while wet, thankfully there's no odor when dry.
So, if you're having critter issues, this might just help.

And if I catch that rabbit in my garden again... Hossenfeffer anyone?
Have a happy day:@)

I'm joining Seasonal Sunday.


  1. lol But the truth is that pet rabbits do get HUGE! I usually use Deer Off with good results...and it stinks something fierce! No wonder! Have you looked at the ingredients? Rotten eggs, red pepper and garlic! Yikes! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  2. I have a bunny, but have not seen him lately? Last year something ate all the blooms and leaves off of my Annabelle hydrangea! I was not happy with the creature! The huge bunny made me giggle!

  3. i have 5 rabbits at one time lounging about in my greenery...
    hubby has put wire around my roses and the veggies...other than that they pretty much have the run of the yard...and they're not afraid of BEAR!!!
    if i'd ever look out and see one this size i'd run in the other direction...and i know BEAR would fall down and play DEAD :D
    great post!

  4. Good luck with your garden and the bunny. Happy Sunday,

  5. Good luck - I can't wait to see your harvest! Our two dogs keep bunnies hiding but chickens are always finding their way in to eat my garden! I love my time catching up here and am inspired to go cook n plant n fluff my nest! Loved the post on looking in the mirror!!! :-)

  6. I just had a vision of Elmer Fudd looking for the wabbit.

    Since I live in Baltimore city ~ the outskirts, but still the crappy city.. I love to see wild life. There is a bunny hole right next to my veggie garden. lol. I plant stuff for them to nibble in hopes that the leave my pumpkin patch alone. Seems to work.
    Have a great sunday.

  7. Oh, I have to get me some of that! I started planting my veggies. Got in all the ones they say to get in while it's cold and some fiend ate them! I am afraid it is a skunk. Does that say it works on skunks? I need to redo it but haven't yet. I don't want to feed the neighborhood critters all summer! Last year I didn't have a problem. I don't know why I am this year.

  8. Our bunnies are behaving, well maybe nibbling the tulips, sassy rabbits. It is the chipmunks and ground squirrels who are raising caine.
    I have not resorted to chemical intervention but maybe I will give this a try.

  9. With a bunny that big, I'd let him do what ever he wants...I'd move! ha!Have a great week! Sunny109

  10. Funny photo. The other day I watched as a bunny munched on pansies in my flower box. I let him enjoy his lunch because I was going to pull them out anyway. In the deep south it gets too hot for them by May. Pansies are a winter plant for us.

  11. We did have any bunnies passing through this year...we did have a jackrabbit stop by for a brief hello. :-)

  12. I certainly would think you never had a rabbit that big. They can be cute but destructive.

  13. I will pass this info on to my elderly neighbor who battles with both deer and rabbits, she will be so thankful. xo

  14. Oh that reminds me of the beautiful entry courtyard my husband and I labored on only to have the neighborhood stray cats use it as their personal litter box! But, I didn't seem to find anything that worked. i even tried dusting the plants with cayenne as I heard that would do the trick. Pfft. All that did was make me tear up every time I watered the plants. : )

  15. I never had a problem with critters when I had dogs. The past few years at the cabin, the crows pecked away at my tomatoes. I just plant some flowers and herbs now.

    I will make note of that product just in case.


  16. Those bunnies are cute but terribly naughty just like the story of Peter Rabbit goes! I am glad you found a way to protect your garden!

  17. Too funny! Nice to know you can protect your garden. Have a beautiful week!

  18. My biggest problem is raccoons eating all my strawberries as fast as they come up!

  19. Thanks for the laugh this morning! I could just see you sitting there and the rabbit hops the fence...I don't think so! Good Luck with the stinky stuff and I hope it keeps them out! hugs, Linda

  20. Never heard of it but I'm telling my sister about it!!! She needs it!! Thanks

  21. Great photo!! Good tip....thanks for the info.

  22. I have to buy that repellent, here the rascally squirrels practically ring the doorbell looking for food! That first photo is too funny. Any suggestions on insect control in the garden? I like organic but it is really difficult. xo,

  23. I can just envision a beautiful crop of delicious home grown tomatoes. Thanks for the reference to Liquid Fence and for stopping by my post. Cherry Kay

  24. You are sooo right!! Fencing was the only option for us to keep out those rascally rabbits!

  25. Hi Lynn! Oh, the things I learn in Blogland. I've never heard of the liquid fence and glad it works for you. Well, I don't have to worry about any little hoppers around here, well except Mr. Precious and Chloe Dawn! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. We had a rabbit problem when we first moved in here 15 yrs ago but then they all seemed to disappear. I occasionally see one but no problems in the past few years in my veggie garden.. I'll let you know about this year. That is if it EVER dries out over there to rototill!!!!!

  27. No rabbits here, just three dogs that nibble leaves :) And some squirrels that took the tulip bulbs!

  28. I never heard of "liquid fence"! What are the main ingredients? I had trouble with squirrels digging up all my flowers one summer and bought something form Gardeners Supply that was organic squirrel repellent. It turned out to be made from dried blood! Phew! It may have kept the squirrels away but it stunk and brought flies into my yard..ick!

  29. I have not seen a rabbit around here. We have lots of chipmunks and squirrels but I enjoy watching them...Christine

  30. Goodness that is a huge bunny!!

    Guess what I will be doing tomorrow?
    Helping sheer alpacas! I am so excited to help our friends- it should be fun though very hard work it sounds like!

    bee blessed

  31. Oh my, if they were that big there would be nothing left for us! Thank you for being a part of my birthday celebration at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  32. I always like to see a bunny hopping by - - - but not if they are going to EAT you out of house and garden!

  33. Ha...funny bunny! Love them, but don't want them helping themselves to my garden!

  34. you almost had me with that bunny photo! :)

  35. I need to get some of this because we have a lot of rabbits, squirrels, opossums, and raccoons...and I live in the city!

    The squirrels were mocking me the other night. I shook my finger at them and said, "Stay out of my garden!" They laughed at me. INSOLENT PUNKS!

  36. I immediately thought of Brer Fox singing, "I like lambs and I like calves and I like Rabbit Stoo!" or some such. Take a while to eat that big one though!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!