
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bloomin' Tuesday!

Hi everyone-Happy Bloomin' Tuesday! Well, I cheated-yep, I did. Nothing's blooming in the yard except strawberries right now. I do however have peonies that are getting ready to open and this is the first year one of them will bloom.
We're ah, not known for our patience here in Philly, so I cut the fattest bud off...
and forced it to open!
After 24 hours it was half way, by 48 hours it was completely open.
I would have bet a dollar that I was expecting double crimson red from this new plant,
but "surprise" it's a fluffy, lovely white instead:@)
I wonder where I planted the red one?
Have a happy day!


  1. I am guilty of forcing too. Sometimes I see tulips at the market all tightly closed, bring them home, cut the stems, put them in warm water and in no time they start opening. I didn't know that you could do that with Peonies but they look great!

  2. Oh I would have done that to get this! It is splendid Lynn!

  3. Lynn,
    How beautiful! I do love peonies. Maybe I should take a cue from you, as ours are still buds.....

  4. I haven't forced bulbs for awhile but I love the plants early. AND the most beautiful flower in the world is the peony. My mil pronounced them pinnies.
    They are tops in my book.
    WE just planted a lilac which I like too and a snowball bush last year which R is babying as the deer love that one too.
    We planted a redbud this year and now he wants a dogwood. He loves trees. I had some Amish boys to help with yard work this year and they planted marigolds and purple pansies. I don't think the deer here like either.
    Have a lovely spring. B
    PS love the title of your blog, that's why I was drawn to it - that and a friend had you listed.
    BLessings. Barb

  5. Beautiful! I have the white ones with the pink center too! My mom had a lot of the white ones in her yard (I got all mine from her) and we used to force them indoors too. Sometimes we'd add blue food color to the water and the white ones would get blue tips.

  6. That is a beautiful flower. I have a white peony in my yard also. It's already bloomed and gone from the heavy rains we had. Love that yours are just starting! hugs, Linda

  7. I brought some in and they smell so good!

  8. Pretty peony, gorgeous colors and I love it.


  9. How pretty, Lynn! I never thought of forcing one but you can bet I'm going outside to cut one just as soon as I hit "submit".

    Have to ever tried to keep the just-ready-to-open-buds in the refrigerator for months, wrapped in newspaper, so you can have them bloom later in the summer? I had pretty good results last year & will repeat the experiment. Helps if you have a garage refrigerator with lots of extra room. LOL

    Soooo, who is next month's Celebrity Cook Along going to be???? I'm anxious to look for recipes.
    I just posted an oldie, revamped one today. Come see!


  10. Don't you just love surprises? does one force a flower to bloom?

  11. Duh? or should that me "dough" LOL
    I just saw that the Pillsbury Dough Boy is next months celebrity. Funny!

  12. Beautiful photo. Weather here is preventing me from taking photos. I love peonies, my fav flower. I don't have any planted though. My lilac just opened a couple of days ago but it has been raining hard the whole time, they seem to be touching the ground. :( xo,

  13. How beautiful...the strawberries would have been pretty, too! ♥

  14. Forcing flowers to bloom! I know some people I wish you could use that skill on - just know there is something beautiful inside if we could just open them up. Pretty flower!

  15. Not much patients here in Connecticut either Lynn! Especially after our winter... I didn't bring in buds though. AND we are having a pouring rain week...AND...would you believe it was TODAY the tree peonies decide to OPEN(In the rain)...Oh My, I MAY just have to go rescue a few!
    Your peony are "GORGEOUS"... Ahhh, and I can smell them too!!! So Sweet!!!
    Have a wonderful week,

  16. You are funny. Do you know where it is? I've done that so many times. Lovely bloom. I'm wishing for a bloom but I have no buds yet.

  17. You are so funny!! I just wish I had peonies to force. Just beautiful...

    Blessings, Debbie

  18. oh...peonies are one of my favorites !!!


    happy to stop by today

    kary and teddy

  19. Very pretty! I have lots of things blooming, but my peonies haven't opened yet either. It is the Iris that have gone wild this week around here!

  20. Absolutely beautiful! I LOVE peonies.

  21. I have never grown peonies. Your flower looks simply stunning. Are they a hardy plant? I think I might have to do some research into this as peonies are my favourite flower and I would love to have my own supply of them instead of having to buy them all of the time!

    Happy gardening and best wishes for a wonderful week!

  22. We do what we have to do to get some bloomin' goin' on! Love it! They are beautiful. I've heard that peonies change color sometimes but not sure if it's true. Jean

  23. Your peonies are amazing! Thanks for sharing these fun pix! paula in Idaho

  24. aahhhh...thanks for the kind words about my babies....

  25. That's so lovely! We used to have some peonies, but they died. It's nice to enjoy yours!

  26. I'm here for the first time...popping over from MsGreen Thumb Jean's blog. Beautiful peony...I posted peonies this week, too. You know...I've never even thought of forcing a flower--guess I just have always waited for them. :)

  27. I've always loved Peonies but I have no luck growing them, Lynn. I saw so many tulips in Chicago that were beautiful ..come over to my blog and see!

  28. Gorgeous peony! As soon as they bloom here, we always have storms that knock the blooms off. I think you made a wise decision. :)

  29. I just adore peonies! They are so full and lovely. I transplanted mine this year so they got more sun, but they are quite a ways off. We are still in the antartica weather pattern here. I am going to have to move tropical if this global cooling doesn't end!

  30. Glorious peonies Lynn, and the Dough Boy...gonna get some lovin' from my oven goin' soon just in case blogger goes under on your post date!

  31. Girl that is gorgeous!!! I really should get soem of those...I have one white one in the back yard but it hasn't bloomed these last couple of years...maybe I need to move it to a new location..they are just glorious flowers...hope you have a great day girl...Picket

  32. beautiful! I can't wait until my peonies open! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such nice comments!

  33. These are gorgeous! I am getting some of these someday! Every year I pass them up at the garden center and then the next time I go in there weak with the desire to buy one they are all sold out! So gorgeous!

  34. I didn't even think to force one of my blooms!!! Gonna have to go cut one off now.

  35. Oh, so pretty! I think I will have some peonies blooming soon. Flowers are a gift from God!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!