
Monday, May 6, 2024

Apple and Marshmallow Salad

I love it when I see something a little different and realize I already have everything on-hand to make it:@) That was the case with this Apple and Marshmallow Salad. This is cool and creamy, and what I like best is, it calls for mayonnaise, so no need to run to the store for pudding or Cool Whip. I also feel that the mayo tames the sweetness a bit, and makes it a little more of a side dish as opposed to a dessert. But, you can honestly call it either/or, or both. One son would eat it with dinner, one after dinner. Good stuff folks, and easily cut in half for a smaller batch. My apple was a little sad so I peeled it, the pretty red would add some nice color.

Other sweet apple salads:

Apple and Marshmallow Salad-from Taste of Home
3 C apple, 1/2" diced-peeled or not, your call
2 Tblsp fresh lemon juice
1 C celery, sliced
1 C miniature marshmallows
2/3 C mayonnaise-original calls for fat free, I used regular
1/2 C pecans or walnuts, toasted is best
  1. Mix apples and lemon juice in large bowl.
  2. Mix in everything else except nuts, store covered in refrigerator until ready to serve.
  3. Mix in nuts and serve.
Eat well and Have a Happy Day:@)


  1. This sounds better than a Waldorf salad! I like the touch of sweetness to balance out the mayo :)

  2. I think it sounds like Waldorf salad, too, but with marshmallows! Yum!


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