
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Crispy Oven Baked Frank's Sweet Ginger Rajili Wings

While I eat wings year-round they seem extra tasty during football season:@) Frank's Sweet Ginger Rajili Hot Sauce is a new food to me and one I highly recommend for wings! It would be a nice exotic addition to that wing tasting party ~someone~ keeps suggesting... I made crispy oven wings, added a smidge of butter and slathered them in the hot sauce. Seriously good stuff folks!

Here's a pic of the hot sauce, it's usually on sale at one of the local stores for around $2 a bottle.

Frank's Sweet Ginger Rajili Hot Sauce Crispy Oven Baked Chicken Wings
wings and drumlettes
cornstarch-approx 1 Tblsp per 6-8 wings, you need enough to just coat the wings
cooking spray for rack
butter-I use just a little, maybe 1/4-1/2 tsp per 5 wings
Frank's Sweet Ginger Rajili Hot Sauce
  1. Cover baking sheet with foil.
  2. Coat cooking rack with cooking spray for easier clean-up. Place rack on baking sheet.
  3. Sprinkle wings with S&P and toss with cornstarch to coat. Place on baking rack. Leave space between wings.
  4. Bake at 400 degrees for 50 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
  5. Remove from oven, toss with butter and heavy coating of hot sauce.
Eat well, pass the napkins and have a happy day:@)

I'm Joining:
Full Plate Thursday


  1. I'm going to hunt down this hot sauce! Love the Asian twist (and your wings)! Fingers crossed for a better football season for our teams this year :) If not, we'll just drown our sorrows with plates of wings.

  2. say your title 3x fast... or not... :)

  3. Looks yummy! You've inspired me to make wings tonight!

  4. You should have a wing tasting party, Lynn, and let us know the results. I had one a couple of years ago, and it was fun. Your baking of the wings is easy, and so simple with the cornstarch. Happy Sunday to you!

  5. A wing tastying party is a fun idea for football season Lynn!! My husband and son would love this sauce, they cook wings every week-

  6. Magoo loves ginger and heat on his wings, I'm definitely going to look for this sauce.

  7. Yum! We use that sweet ginger sauce on lots of things. '-)

  8. Ooh...I'll have to be on the look out for that sauce Lynn! I love the idea of a wing tasting party to kick off the season too! :)

  9. Hi Lynn,
    Your recipe looks awesome, thanks so much for sharing it with us at Full Plate Thursday this week. Hope you are having a great day and we sure look forward to more of your recipes!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!