
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Pressure Cooker Buttery Frozen Lima Beans with Bacon

I love it when my first bite of something makes me say "wow".  These Pressure Cooker Buttery Frozen Lima Beans with Bacon have amazing flavor and are truly wow worthy. Creamy beans, bacon, butter, onions and brown sugar... This is a very hearty side dish, and truthfully, I would be happy eating it as my main meal for lunch with a nice piece of cornbread. Think you don't like lima beans? This might just change your mind:@)
I chose to use four pieces of bacon but amped up the flavor by cooking it using the brown feature in the pressure cooker and subbing the bacon fat for one tablespoon of the butter. You'll notice some liquid in the pan as soon as it's done cooking, but within five minutes it will be absorbed back into the beans, just give them a good stir. Don't hesitate to give this a try folks, it's really good!

Pressure Cooker Buttery Lima Beans with Bacon-adapted from
2/3 C cooked bacon pieces-I used 4 slices of bacon cut into small pieces
2 Tblsp butter-I used 1 Tblsp each bacon fat and butter
1/2 red onion-I used a yellow onion
1/4 C light brown sugar
16 oz bag frozen lima beans
1/2 C water
S&P to taste
  1. Brown bacon in pressure cooker. Remove all but 1 Tblsp of fat.
  2. Add butter and onion, cook about five minutes.
  3. Add brown sugar, mix well. Add water and lima beans.
  4. Cook at high pressure for 8 minutes. Use automatic/quick release.
  5. Add S&P to taste.
Eat well and have a happy day:@)

I'm Joining:
Full Plate Thursday
Foodie Friday


  1. nope. not sure even bacon could get me sold on lima beans. :)

  2. Not a lima bean fan Lynn, however bacon and brown sugar makes everything better!

  3. I was going to say the exact same thing that Jenna said!! LOL!!

  4. I think we're all in the same boat here! I could eat lima beans, but they're not my favorite. Definitely better with bacon :)

  5. I ♥♥♥ Lima Beans! I have this in my PC right this minute & it smells sooooo good! Thanks Lynn...I can't wait to try them.

  6. Lynn, I love limas! We call 'em Butter beans below the Mason-Dixon line :) I can only imagine how good these are with the brown sugar and bacon!

  7. My mouth is watering, I miss them so much. Can't have them due to gall bladder issues. But this sound devine so sad with love Janice

  8. please help.....I found the recipe and wanted to try it. Bacon is done.....onions are done. I get to the bean part and realize it says FROZEN and I have DRY. Should I adjust the water or will they even work?

    1. Hello, I work all day and just saw this... I hope things worked out for you, sorry I couldn't help.

  9. I put 8 cups of water and cooked for 30 minutes and they are wonderful!!!!!

  10. Is automatic release the same as quick release or natural release?

    1. Hello, automatic is the same as quick release.

  11. Replies
    1. Hello, I'm sorry but I haven't tried it with dry beans. Maybe you could Google it. Thanks.

  12. Sound delicious and lucky me....I have everything I need on hand! <3


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