
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Does Distilled White Vinegar Clean Hard Water Stains and Deposits on Sinks?

You won't find too many cleaning tips here at Pig In Mud, I'm more the type that makes messes... Yet here I am airing my dirty laundry faucet... *Head hanging in shame* I do love it when something really works well, is 100% natural and just happens to be a pantry item. My sink needed a little TLC and I decided to try good ole Distilled White Vinegar and was amazed at how well it worked. I simply poured a glug-a-glug (that's a technical term for tipping the bottle the length of time it takes to say "glug-a-glug":@) of vinegar over the faucet, waited 5 minutes and wiped it up with a paper towel.
So, after about a total of 6 minutes, 5 of them spent nosing around Pinterest, most of the hard water stains and crusty deposits are gone.
Now that's my kind of cleaning!
I'll continue to use vinegar going forward and am sure things will be as shiny as new in no time.

Don't forget vinegar's other great uses too:

Save that elbow grease and have a happy day!


  1. Your glug glug method makes me smile and I will try this on our faucets.

  2. Thanks so much for this great tip. i will certainly try this on my kitchen sink.


  3. It did a great job on your faucets! I use it religiously for cleaning.

  4. @ I am squealing praises. I have hard water and yes it is a "pickle" to deal with. I am now and will be using white vinegar from now on, we just finished spring cleaning... LIVING ON LOBLOLLY LANE... also works great on hard water spots on windows. We have 49. The smell isn't too sweet, but who cares it cleans like a dream.

  5. YES! I am trying harder to get the deep cleaning done and the glug glug method sounds right up my alley.

  6. I can't wait to try this!!! I love your glug glug, 5 minutes on Pinterest, then wipe method Lynn!

  7. Wow! It sure cleaned the gunk around the faucet, Lynn! I'm going to try it around mine. I used it the other day to clean my electric tea kettle that gets a lot of mineral deposits built up on the bottom. It makes it sparkle!

  8. I am going to try this tonight. What a great job it did. My mom always swore by distilled vinegar and I really should have paid attention..

  9. love your technical term. :) and great tip!

  10. I need to try this and see if works in my bathroom! Glug a Glug!

  11. Lynn, Six minutes of cleaning, five of which on Pinterest, is my kind of housekeeping :) Enjoy your weekend!


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