
Friday, August 24, 2012

The Last Laugh

Thought you might like a string bean update. When last we spoke-here, the plants were looking happy and healthy and I was feeling mighty smug-thank  you ever so much!

A week and a half later I thought I'd check to see if there were any blooms and found...
Say what???

No doubt this is his way of "he-he-he-ing" me right back!
I've been out-smarted by a brain the size of a walnut... ugh.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm headed to the store to buy some string beans.

Have a happy day:@)


  1. So sorry about your string beans! Earl needs take up watch dog duty :)

  2. Oh do I know the feeling! Not so much for veggies but just about all annual flowers and some perennials. So for my favorite plants I also grow the lovely chicken wire.

  3. What a shame. Your rabbits are as persistent as the deer that have eaten all of my azaleas.

  4. Yep, the grocery store or Farmer's Market is lookin' preeeettty gooooood right now, huh? That's been my growin' place this year. Altho, cute bunnies were not my plague...water restrictions and drought. Thanks for the LOL...sorry I couldn't help it.

  5. I'm not really laughing here! Just comparing you with Farmer MacGregor!!


  6. Noooooooo! How did that happen? I thought your fence would keep him out. Wraskly Wabbit!!

  7. Oh dear, what a disappointment! Reminds me of my owm gardening . . .

  8. Sorry about your string beans but it did result in this very funny post! The rabbits ate all my veggies earlier in spring so I just gave up.

  9. What a pain! I hate it when critters have lunch in the garden. Something..we think a deer, ate the whole top our of one of our big pepper plants. We're thankful that it was just one plant. My cousin lost their whole garden of heirloom tomatoes to the deer.

  10. Thank goodness rabbits don't hang out here. I planted green beans in my little garden and actually got enough for one meal. I was very excited!

  11. Oh that is one wascally wabbit :)

  12. Time for rabbit hunting. Call Elmer Fudd!

  13. This looks soooo familiar. I think the most expensive vegetables in town are the ones that I grow when I consider the time, effort, water, compost, fertilizer, and therapy sessions. ;-)

  14. This exact thing happened to me last year with my beans and peas. I nearly cried! They were looking so good and then someone had a feast!


  15. So sorry about your string beans. Mr. McGregor didn't get their soon enough to chase him away! I do understand your pain...I have either a skunk or a raccoon who likes tomatoes...not sure they are really part of their diet but they are the only animals roaming in the night...

  16. That pretty much sums up my experience with growing vegetables ;-) Cute little rascally rabbit, though. xo

  17. Oh my goodness! My friends had yummy grape tomatoes one day and none the next! Squirrels! Ya never know!

  18. We must have 'planted' the same brand of beans...mine look the same and I also have a 'friend' in the garden with the floppy ears...what a coincidence!

    Have a happy weekend my friend! xo

  19. Oh no!...drats!...those silly rabbits.

  20. I can feel your pain! I've had entire beds of pansies eaten by those pesky rabbits. I won't even plant them any more. I hope you found some good beans at the grocery!!

  21. OH NO!!! I've been wondering about your beans!
    Maybe you could plant oodles and oodles of beans. So many that the buns couldn't eat all of them.
    Don't pull them up yet! You know my story...

  22. hahahahahaha.. not funny.. but I can't help it. hahahaha.. I would have had smoke coming out of my ears!!! Sorry about your beans.

  23. I now officially forgive you for not liking bunnies. I would be "hopping" mad!

  24. Aw, that stinks! I blamed a raccoon for taking all our mini ears of corn off the stalks the one time we tried to grow it. Bad bunny!

  25. It's frustrating! Have you thought about adding a cat to your backyard? We feed 3 strays and we don't have a rabbit problem...however, we do have groundhogs, raccoons, and possums!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!