
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stuffed Pepper Soup

True Confession Time: When I first heard of this soup my initial reaction was... eew, hamburger in soup??? Well, foolish me! I have since learned better and use hamburger in a couple different soups now, and as with most things there are many recipes and variations for Stuffed Pepper Soup out there. I decided to just use what I had on hand and ended up with a very tasty lunch that freezes well!

Stuffed Pepper Soup
3/4lb ground beef
1 C onion, diced
1 large stalk celery, sliced
2 small cloves garlic, minced
1 very large, or 1 1/2 large green bell peppers, 1/2" dice
14.5oz can of diced tomatoes, with juice
2 1/2 C liquid, any combo of chicken stock/bullion/water
1 heaping Tblsp tomato paste
a few shakes of celery seed
a few shakes Italian Seasoning
Chicken Better Than Bullion-if needed to bump up the flavor, I used 1 tsp
S&P to taste-I have Mushroom Salt so I used it
Rice, cooked-I used brown rice
  1. Brown the ground beef and pour off any fat.
  2. Add onion and celery, cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Add garlic and peppers, cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Add everything except the rice, bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook for 20-30 minutes or until the peppers are done to your liking.
  5. When ready to serve, add a big spoonful of rice on top of your soup and enjoy!
  • I used 1 C chicken stock the rest water, all stock would be best, all water with added bullion is fine.
  • I chose to add the rice separately because I won't be eating this all at one sitting and rice doesn't freeze very well (for me). If you will be eating it all you could cook the rice in the soup, it would help thicken the broth, I think that would be good! Add more water for the rice.
  • Someone suggested adding Rotel... I like that idea!
  • I'm very pleased with this nice easy soup and see myself making it often.
Eat well and have a happy day:@)

I'm joining:
Foodie Friday
Strut Your Stuff Linky Party
Cowgirl Up


  1. Darlin' I never open a cookbook for ideas anymore, I just pop over here and something yummy is on display!

  2. This sounds fantastic! My hubby wouldn't eat stuffed peppers, but I have a feeling he'd love this soup!

  3. I had Stuffed Pepper Soup at our local deli last month and it was awesome! I'm so happy you've posted this recipe. I will surely give it a try.

    BTW, I LOVE hamburger in soups!

  4. This recipe reminds me of a hamburger soup recipe I have used for years. Mine has other veg. in it but the rest of the ingredients look the same. We say it is a cure all too and is always on the stove when a bad cold rears it's ugly head. xo

  5. I have never had stuffed pepper soup, but I know that I would love it. Your photo is beautiful too. My father used to make a barley-hamburger soup that I loved. Joni

  6. This looks yummy! I am so ready for soup weather. My Chipper Chicken Soup was the first I've made all summer. I will be adding this one to my list of ones to make. Thanks for stopping by this week and leaving me sweet comments. So glad you enjoyed the Cowboy Coffee Cake too. Thanks again for featuring it. Hope you have a great week!

  7. I like the looks of this. Thanks for the recipe.

  8. This looks and sounds so good! I love hamburger in soup!


  9. My girls would LOVE this! So much easier to eat than the actual stuffed peppers. The photo is wonderful!

  10. I love stuffed peppers so am sure I would like this. Soup season is just around the bend! xo

  11. Yum! I ; love stuffed peppers and have made soup with ground beef. I think you made a delicious soup and extra nice that it freezes well :)

  12. Now that sounds interesting and good! sandie

  13. Kinda like eating stuffed peppers dunked in soup.
    Would make a great football gathering recipe.


  14. Hi Lynnie! Oh, this looks so good. You're the best cook! No wonder little Earl stays around! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Oh yeah,love me some ground beeef in soup,gives Earl a break!!

  16. Hi Lynn, I'm back. What a summer this has been. Actually, much like all of our summers. Lots of company and long trips in the car with camping and grandkids week. Finally a surprise trip from a long time friend in CA. Finally, time for my blog friends once again. I have missed you.

    This soup sounds so good I am making it tomorrow. I have all the ingredients so why not? My mom used hamburger for soup when we were kids a lot. (six kids) Besides, we are having early Fall weather. Beautiful and in the 50's at night.

    I scrolled down to see what I have missed and those pickles sound so good. The grape pie is beautiful but I doubt I would make it. Maybe if I had them growing on my fence. I'm glad to see Earl is still offering his opinions. HA!

    Happy days to you and yours,
    xo, Jeanne

  17. Thanks for giving new different Stuffed Pepper Soup recipe is good taste and very attractive. This soup recipe have more health benefits.

  18. I love peppers and I personally love hamburger in soup, too. I'll be trying this out soon!!

  19. This is a winner for sure. Soup is comforting to me and I always love having a delicious pot in my fridge. I can almost taste this.

  20. My sister makes a version of this and it is amazing, such a fun combo for soup.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!