
Monday, July 9, 2012

Zucchini and Rice Side Dish

Many years ago, I worked with a girl whose parents were from Yugoslavia. Her mom would call the office occasionally and before I transferred the call we'd have brief conversations that usually revolved around food (as best we could understand each other). One day she sent a container of zucchini in for me to try. It was a side dish that was grated and had a tomato sauce base with lots of paprika. It was amazing! How many times do we hear that about zucchini??? She was a "pinch of this" cook and I'm truly disappointed that I didn't get a recipe. Even though the original didn't have rice, here's my wink-and-nod to that memory.
Add a pork chop and I'd call this dinner:@)

Zucchini and Rice
1/2 C onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1/8 C green bell pepper, finely chopped
2 tsp olive oil
1/2 C water-the zucchini will provide the rest of the liquid
3/4 C tomato sauce
1/2 C rice-preferably white long grain, I only had brown so that's what I used
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
Few grinds of black pepper
1 (6") zucchini, grated
  1. Saute onion in olive oil until it softens up a bit, 5 minutes.
  2. Add garlic and green pepper, cook for 1 minute more.
  3. Add water, tomato sauce, rice, paprika, salt and black pepper. Mix, cover and cook for 15 minutes. Note: This is for white rice, you'll need to cook brown rice longer, maybe 25-30 minutes while adding some extra water if necessary.
  4. Add zucchini and cook for 7-10 minutes longer, or until rice is done. 
This is moist and creamy, the paprika really gives it a subtle "different" flavor and it's 
a great way to use up some garden zucchini! Easily doubled, etc. 
Oh and, if you're familiar with the "real" all zucchini recipe, I'd love it if you'd share:@)

Eat well and have a happy day!


  1. I love zucchini! And this dish sounds so great and I think it would be absolutely perfect for children. Thanks for sharing!

  2. It looks like something my family would like. We regularly get zucchini from people from their gardens, but we're more of a yellow squash family. I have about two recipes with zucchini so this one would give me another. I also happen to keep the rest of the ingredients on hand. Voila, a quick and different side dish!

    I also enjoyed your pink finds from your Saturday outing.

  3. I love a saucy rice dish! I'm going to look around in my Eastern European stuff and see if I can find something similar!

  4. I have an abundance of grated Zucchini in my freezer, from last season. I need to clear it out and this will be a great solution! Thanks again! xo

  5. I bet this is a goodie!!! I love zucchini too.
    Happy monday.

  6. Lynn,
    Mister loves rice, so I will have to try this! If you were local, I'd inundate you with zucchini!

  7. I love zucchini and this dish looks yummy! I will try this for sure! hugs, Linda

  8. This sounds so good... I love all of the ingredients! I could make this a main dish since I'm not a big meat eater but the hubby is so I would have to add the pork chop or piece of chicken, lol!

    I hope you find the original recipe.

  9. You know I love all rice recipes and I have never seen one like this. Will give it a whirl one day soon. thanks bunches.

  10. I'm sure that the paprika adds a lot of nice flavor to this rice dish, Lynn. I always buy a can of fresh paprika whenever I visit a Polish neighborhood store. I bet this would also taste good i=with a little kielbasa added!

  11. This recipe looks absolutely delicious Lynn! I am always looking for something unique to use the zukes in. I would try this with some bar b qued chicken too!

  12. YUM -- sounds like the best of dishes! My Mom always cooked zucchini with butter, onion, garlic and tomato sauce - a greek neighbor taught her how in the 1960's - so very yummy :)


  13. I agree that would go well with pork. What does Earl think?

  14. YUMMY. This time of year we always have sooo much zucchini it's nice to find ways to work it into other foods! I love rice and zucchini so this is a sure thing for us.

  15. I love foods that bring back good, fun memories, this looks great!

  16. Hubby brought me home lots of zucchini. This recipe will be perfect!

  17. Looks so good. Tomato sauce, rice and zucchini, delicious combination. Saving this, now that the heat wave broke around here I should start cooking again!

  18. I love finding new zucchini recipes, this is the time of year we all have lots of them. Looks delicious, beautiful color!

  19. Love this. Two of my fav things; rice and zucchini.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!