
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Works For Me Wednesday-The Shower

Slippery When Wet, let's talk about the tub/shower... It doesn't matter how old you are-4 or 104, we've all been there... you step into the shower, your heel hits the bottom and you begin that slide. You know the one, if you're lucky your other shin crashes into the side of the tub leaving you black and blue and you regain balance, and if not you end up falling.
I decided to post this because the 29 year old I work with just took a fall. There are tons of things on the market to help with this, from cheap little plastic stick-ons to expensive tubs that open so you can walk into them. 

I'd like to suggest another option... simply lay a wash cloth on the bottom of your tub before you start the shower, step on the wash cloth and you will not slip. If you're more comfortable with a bigger area use a hand or dish towel. When you're done with your shower wring it out, hang it to dry and it's ready for tomorrow. Sometimes simple is best!

Have a happy day:@)

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  1. Great and simple suggestion, but it definitely works. A good one to share.

  2. How simple is that??? works!!!

  3. Great tip, Lynn. So simple and could save one a whole lot of heartache.

  4. Hi Lynn,
    easy and cheap is always the best. Thanks for sharing.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. One of the most practical post I've read. Thanks

  6. That's so simple that I feel downright stupid for not thinking of it. I'm going to make sure my mom read this, too.

  7. I've been worried about this happening lately because of arthritis in my hip but I have put off getting those rubber mats etc...because it is just one more thing to keep clean in the bathroom...which is why I love this idea!!! Just throw it in the wash with the rest of the towels. I definitely will begin using this idea today...thanks!!!!

  8. What good solid advice. I am still recovering from a sprained ankle that happened in the hallway at school the Friday before Memorial Day. Torn ligaments on both side of my right ankle. Falling is not pleasant to be sure. Normally I just sort of hop in, but now I'm a little timid because my ankle is weak and still healing. Thank you, I'm going to do this this morning.

  9. Yes, Lynn, simple is best!! Great and thought tip for you to share.

  10. So sorry to hear about your coworkers fall! I like the towel suggestion that's a good one!

  11. I have slipped and fallen only once and that was outside on our deck. Ended up with a broken wrist. Since then I am so careful when getting in and out of the tub/shower always holding on to the corner wall as I step in or out.
    I don't do it without thinking first about what I am doing until I am sure of my footing.

  12. Thanks for the simple tip! Oh, I get worried about myself at times...I am thinking, girl, you past 50 and could so break a bone easy! However, age has nothing to do with it does it. Hope your friend is okay. Thanks for sharing. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. a very interesting and simple solution! :)

  14. Thanks for sharing this very serious matter. I had forgotten all about that cloth trick...I used to put one down for my children all of the time. I will start getting into the habit again. xo

  15. Proof that simple is best. Great advice.


  16. Just took a tumble last year but it was coming out of the shower onto the bath mat -it slipped and down I went. I had visions of my son coming home with his friend finding me on the fall naked and wet! Luckily I just sprained my ankle and got up slowly after a few minutes of shock.

  17. What a great tip.
    P.S. Your homemade Fudgesicles look yummy!

  18. Great tip for the bath Lynn....thanks. I'm hoping not to slip up!

  19. Very wise advice. Why I don't DO this - I have no idea. I think you have encouraged me though.

  20. Great tips, this is one of the most practical post I've read. Thanks

    Lily @


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