
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Freezer Dills

Sometimes I just have to share/update a post from waaaay back when I began blogging because very few saw it and it's something I know you'll love! This is a great example from 2 years ago.

Here is a nice easy recipe for the extra cukes out of the garden! It produces a crisp, sweet, tasty dill pickle that you store in the freezer-no canning necessary. A mandolin or food processor makes quick work of the slicing. After the salting stage, drain the liquid and add dill, sugar and vinegar.
 Stir well and let sit until the juice comes to the top of the cukes.
They can be packed in quart size freezer bags (my preference, they freeze flat for better storage), 
mason jars (leave 1" head space), or freezer safe containers. I made a half batch.
Oh and, you don't need a cute piggy spatula, but it sure adds to the fun!!! Thanks Jay:@)

Freezer Dills-found on-line many places, you can easily cut this recipe in half
1 pound cucumbers, sliced 1/8" thick-3 millimeters on a mandolin
3/4 pound yellow onions, sliced 1/8" thick
4 Tbsp Kosher salt
2 Tblsp water
1 C sugar-don't cut back, it's key to keeping the pickles crisp
1/2 C cider vinegar
1 Tblsp dried dill weed
  1. Mix cukes, onions, salt and water in a 2 quart non-metal bowl. Let stand 2 hours. 
  2. Drain after 2 hours but do not rinse
  3. Return veggies to bowl add sugar, vinegar and dill. Mix occasionally until sugar dissolves and liquid covers the veggies. 
  4. Pack in wide mouth jars leaving 1" head space or plastic freezer bags no more than 3/4 full. Seal and freeze.
  5. Thaw in fridge before eating.


  1. I have seen sweet freezer pickles, but not dills. Great to know!!!!
    I have more cukes than I can use AND give away!
    Hope you come and add this to ON THE MENU MONDAY! YUMMY!

  2. I'm a pickle fanatic and have never heard of freezer dills! I just have to try it. (Of course, I'll probably let them freeze for about a day before whipping them out, but I want to try it nonetheless. )

  3. I bet these are really tasty. Especially in the winter, to pull out a taste of summer, mmmm. xo

  4. I made your recipe last summer. I put them in the freezer in the garage, found them in the dead of winter. What a great surprise they were and I love them. I had them on salads, hamburgers and just out of the fridge. I am making them again this weekend. Thanks for a wonderful recipe. Have a great weekend.

  5. Ahhh, we must have had similar cravings. My mom brought too many cucumbers for us to eat up so I sliced em up for refrigerator pickles!

  6. I love these pickles. I haven't made them for years but I shall soon. The tomatoes and cukes are abundant right now and I am very happy!


  7. I love those pickles - and my goodness I have never ever seen a pig spatula - that was so cute - leave it to you Lynn. sandie

  8. Lynn, are they crispy when thawed? I've never seen a recipe for freezing pickles! My cucs in the garden are so deformed this year! Blame everything on the heat - right?

    1. Yep, they're crispy, just gotta remember they're a thin pickle. You have lots of company, my cukes didn't grow right either:@)

  9. I have heard of refrigerator pickles but not freezer ones. I have lots of cucumbers and will give this a try. Thanks for your recipe. Feel free to share past posts. There is a lot of good information from a year or two ago that blog readers may have seen and forgotten, or did not see at all. Have a nice wknd!

  10. How did you know I just returned from the farmers' market loaded with cucumbers?!!


  11. I'm so surprised that they stay crisp after being frozen! I have to give these a try. My cukes are just starting to come in.

  12. Oh my these look so delicious. I'll have to try them, I actually think I could make these. I love pickles, sweet and/or sour! I also like your Zucchini and Tomato soup, looks delicious.

    The French Hutch

  13. Great idea! Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  14. how interesting! i love dill:)

  15. compare electricity prices

    Wow, I've got to try these tomorrow. Its easy as pie and you'll just need a little time tom make this.

  16. Freezer dills~ what a great idea! I think I can manage this recipe since no canning is required! Love the piggy spatula :)

  17. Hi Lynn,

    This looks like a great recipe, and I love that there's no canning involved. I never learned how to can produce. My mom has a good friend that she worked with for many years who makes her own pickles and brings some to my mom. They are much better than store-bought. I may have to give your recipe a try -- so glad you shared this! Oh, by the way, I LOVE the piggie spatula.

    Thanks so much for your visit and kind comments on my post. Have a wonderful week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  18. Hi, dear heart...I am home from vacation and trying to play catch-up but doubt I ever get there. :)

    These sound incredible and will try them, for sure. I don't have cucumbers growing but I'll just get some at the market.

    Now I must go back a little and see what I missed while I was out HAVING FUN...:))

  19. Oh, how yummy!!! I love that you don't have to go through the long canning process to have delicious results :)

  20. I just love to see what you are cooking all the time. I am not as good at cooking as you but I do enjoy your posts.

  21. I love dried dill weed almost as much as the dill itself.
    p.s. Here is something I thought you might like to see.

  22. You had me at no canning necessary! Now if I can only find my mandolin, I'd be all set.

  23. These look wonderful, and I love dills!!

  24. VERY cool that these can be frozen - I've never heard of freezer pickles before!

  25. Yum...I love the freezer method for down here in Texas!!

  26. Oh my!...that sure saves alot of time,love this recipe,EASY,I like easy!!

  27. Your Freezer Dills recipe looks so quick and easy, I will have to try it. It looks delicious. Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  28. The sound good! So glad you shared this at the Carnival of Home Preserving because I've never heard of them. Gonna have to try these for sure as my children love dill pickles.

  29. I love this idea! I always prefer freezing when possible because it's so easy.

  30. This is a great idea - I had no idea you could freeze things like this, but that is so much easier than canning. Must try when summer rolls around in my part of the world.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!