
Monday, July 23, 2012

Banana Cake With Vanilla Bean Frosting

I'm just gonna say it, I love cake! While I'm always in awe of the big fancy ones, I really like the little ones that can be whipped up and enjoyed on short notice. Don't need to heat up the big oven, just pop it into the counter top one, cool, frost, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy! This is one of those cakes.
What makes this one different than the other banana cake I posted? Sour cream, this is a very moist cake.
What's my absolute favorite thing about this recipe?
While both the cake and icing are plenty sweet, they're not overly sweet.
Ma stopped by for coffee on Saturday and the boys finished it on Sunday, we all loved this one!
Wanted to share a glimpse of my $2 flea market vintage yellow rose tablecloth too:@)

Banana Cake with Vanilla Bean Frosting-adapted from The Farm Girl and ButterYum
2/3 C sugar
2 Tblsp butter, room temp
1/2 C sour cream
3/4 C mashed banana (approx 2)
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1 C A/P flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda

2 Tblsp butter, room temp
1 1/4 C powdered sugar
1/4 C heavy cream
*1/2 vanilla bean, just the seeds
pinch of salt-didn't use this
  1. Cream sugar and butter till fluffy. 
  2. Add sour cream, mix well. Add banana, mix well. Add egg and vanilla, mix well.
  3. Add the dry and mix till combined.
  4. Pour into greased 9x9 pan and bake at 375 for approx 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  5. Cool cake completely.
  6. Cream butter and powdered sugar for frosting
  7. Slowly add the cream and beat until fluffy, about 2-3 minutes.
  8. Mix in vanilla bean and pinch of salt.
  9. Frost cake.
  • *The frosting calls for a vanilla bean. While I'm sure the taste is amazing, I've never used one, they're a little too... extravagant for my wallet. So I poured 1/2 tsp good vanilla into a 1/4 cup measure then filled it the rest of the way with heavy cream. Worked fine! 
  • The butter and powdered sugar didn't cream for me when making the frosting, the butter did get mixed with the sugar though. Once I added the heavy cream everything came together nicely.
  • It calls for a 9x9 pan, I have an 8x8, that's what I used. 
  • A tip about storing bananas for baking later, I simply put the whole bananas in a plastic grocery bag and stick them in the freezer. The skin will turn black but the bananas are fine, and it only takes about 15-30 minutes for the bananas to thaw enough to mash. 


  1. This one would be the perfect recipe to send to my daughter in DC. She loves banana cake, this would be just the right size to share with her friends.

  2. I love cake too! Actually love anything that's dessert! This looks perfect for coffee with friends! Have a great MOnday!!!

  3. Another great looking recipe to try :) I have enjoyed everything I have made from your blog and I also like that this can be made in a counter top oven.

  4. Oh this does look wonderful! Thanks for sharing the recipe. xxoo Debbie

  5. Love the cake and the vintage yellow roses,state flower of Texas, ya know. ; )

  6. Mmmm, what a yummy sounding cake. I love sour cream in in a cake recipe. They always turn out delicious.

  7. Hi Lynn, That looks absolutely delicious! Wow!

  8. That sounds good, and if it works well without the vanilla bean, I'd use good vanilla too! I'll print that to try later on! Thanks!

  9. I love cake too! Especially with coffee or milk, oh my which is better? :) Linda

  10. Love that you did it in your counter top oven. May I ask what brand you have...we have been thinking about getting one but don't even know where to start. xo

    1. I have a convection oven from QVC, it's over 3 years old and has served me well. Don't know if they still sell them. My dream oven would be a Breville:@)

  11. This looks delicious, I like a good banana cake and I happen to have some in the freezer. xo

  12. We are crazy about banana breads and cakes in this family and the frosting/icing on this is over the moon!!! I'm saving this keeper recipe! Thanks!!!!!

  13. Looks delicious, especially with a good cup of coffee. Funny, I normally substitute vanilla extract for the bean for the same reason you do.

  14. Everything about this says "just right". I also love sour cream cakes.

  15. Banana cake is one of my favorites to make as I usually have ripe bananas in my house. The frosting makes your extra special!

  16. What a delcious sounding cake and not too big so that you don't have to eat it for days! I love your new vintage tablecloth, too.

  17. I was just looking at my about-to-go-very-bad bananas and wondering just what to do with them. This looks delicious and beats the heck out of banana bread with no frosting! Thanks for the recipe.

  18. It looks delicious! and I love bananas! Thanks for sharing!

  19. I JUST HAD to pin this one! sandie

  20. Hi Lynn,
    This looks like a great cake recipe, its the heavy cream, that will do it every time. Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  21. Yummm - this recipe is very, very similar to my To Die For Banana Cake with Vanilla Bean Frosting, which happens to be my most popular post to date. I'm always amazed by that, but I guess people really love bananas.

    1. Hi Lynn,
      Upon closer inspection - it is my recipe. I'd surely love it if you'd link back to my original post. Thanks so much!!

  22. Banana cake is my absolute favorite.... this looks divine!

  23. Love banana cake ty sounds delicious!


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