
Friday, July 13, 2012

Did you know...

That the very first thing you "attach or copy and link or paste" to your post is what folks see in their reader window or sidebar? You know, that nano-second when folks decide to click onto your blog or not...
This means anything other than text.
If those "pin it or follow me" buttons, or smiley face emotion-cons added to the end of a sentence come before your pic that's what we see. We spend a great deal of time trying to take fun pics for our blogs, they should be the first thing folks see! Always post your own great pic first, then your "pin it's", etc. below... or folks might not even stop to look at what you took the time to create. I've noticed this on large and small blogs, that's why I thought it was important to share.
Have a happy day:@)

I'm joining:
Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits


  1. a very good reminder. yes, sometimes folks put the buttons for link-ups first and that is what then appears in the sidebars that show their blogs - instead of their perfect photo. :)

  2. Thanks, Lynn. You're very blog savvy and always willing to be of service to others! Thank you. On another note, I foster for an animal shelter and recently received an email asking if I would be able to foster a pot-bellied pig. They're pretty cute, but I just wasn't able.
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  3. Good to know Lynn! Great tip! Hope you will join TUTORIALS TIPS AD TIDBITS this week. Linky goes live Wednesday evening at 8:00.
    I bet so many people don't know this!

  4. Good advice. This means the first photo should be the best of the lot. ;-)

  5. Thanks for this tip...I follow my own blog so when I post it comes up in my reader so I can make sure there are no surprises. I think that I have not seen what you are talking about but I will re-read this tomorrow when I am not falling asleep while typing.

    Have a splendid weekend! xo

  6. Thanks for sharing this information. Great tip!!

  7. As always, good advice. Have a good weekend. The heat is miserable in MA. and I intend to stay out of it as long as I can.

  8. Hi Lynn,
    yes, that should be in our mind. Its like the title of a newspaper. But sometimes hard to start with the main point for a good story. Thank you for this helpful tip.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  9. Very good reminder, Lynn! It's so natural to want to always show your "Before" or an "Inspiration" (which is usually someone else's) photo, & those aren't necessarily the best for getting people to tune in. I know I usually want to save my big "reveals" until I've done the "build-up, I'm going to try giving just a little "teaser" pic of the reveal as my first link & see how that works. Anyway, very good advice.

  10. So glad you shared this! Thanks for joining TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS!

  11. Good tip, I try to remember to do that!
    Don't melt, cooler air coming!

  12. Good to remember for sure!

  13. so good to know!! Had no Excited to find your blog! Cute name and nice pics!

  14. Thank you so much Lynn for the information. As a new blogger
    I had no idea, but it does explain why Google photos are the
    first to appear! I really appreciate the advice.
    Best Wishes, Daphne

  15. I have always put my finished product photo
    first and then the text.. it's a good thing
    to know and thanks for the reminder.

  16. That is a good tip--thank you for sharing it!


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