
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Chicken Cordon Bleu Stuffed Jalapenos

Well now, doesn't that sound fancy! But truthfully this is just a great use of leftovers. I had a little cooked chicken, some ham in the freezer and a couple slices of swiss. Seems I always have jalapenos hanging around the fridge these days... Wa-la a great munchie was born! 

Chicken Cordon Bleu Stuffed Jalapenos
This isn't so much a recipe, just ratios:
2 parts chicken
1 part ham
1 1/2 parts swiss-more or less to taste
Panko for topping
Jalapenos, sliced in half and cleaned
-Small dice the meat and cheese, mix together.
-Stuff the peppers.
-Top with panko.
-Bake at 375 for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.
-Lightly sprinkle with kosher salt out of the oven if desired.
-Take a bite and love life:@)

  • If you don't have Swiss, American cheese is fine.
  • If they aren't getting brown after 20 minutes, place them under the broiler for a minute or two.
  • To give you a general idea of amounts, I used one chicken tender and following the ratios it stuffed five 3" jalapeno halves.


  1. This is a great use of leftovers, Lynn. I am reading more and more that hot peppers are good for us, especially metabolism. xo

  2. I have such a sissy mouth...those peppers are just too hot for me to enjoy...I love the flavor...just not the heat. :)

  3. Wow! Sometimes the best things come out of what's left in the fridge! Great job Lynn, I'll be these were delicious!

  4. It's amazing what creative things can be done with a few leftovers. These look absolutely delicious.

  5. Hi Lynn,
    You are making me hungry. I'm headin to the kitchen!!!

    Have a lovely Sunday.


  6. Lynn,
    They look terrific! We are getting lots of jalepenos right now.....what a great way to use them!

  7. Hi Lynn, I was happy to see your comment. Vacation and company has me way behind but as usual I am playing catch up.

    I scrolled down to catch up a bit and I love the napkins for 25 cents and the watermelon on the lovely white dish. Also we are fans of jalapenos any way we get them. Easy too.

    Thanks for commenting even though I have been gone.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  8. What a great idea. Since I always seem to have jalapenos handy this would be an easy-do!

  9. Lynn, Those look so good but I have always been so afraid of eating Jalapenos. Are they really HOT☀! I could just see me choking and making a scene. If all the seeds are removed how hot are they?
    Hugs, Ginger

    1. They mellow a lot with the seeds and membranes removed. Baking helps too. Having said that, they all vary, the ones I buy at the store are much milder than garden grown peppers. So I'd suggest not using the jalapenos, but maybe try a milder pepper like pablano, and you can always use the great mini sweet peppers they have out now too:@)

  10. They look wonderful! Would love to have some! Joann

  11. Looks so yummy! I can't wait to try them. I saw you on Mix It Up Monday!

  12. answered my question with your reply to Savanah Granny, because my jalapeno eating days are over. My brain doesn't think they are, but my stomach feels differently about it and has a way of creating a revolution when ignored. Happy 4th. Thanks for the recipe idea.

  13. oh this recipe sounds most delish. i would have to exchange the jalapenos for peppers as I cannot eat anything spicy :(

  14. We were on the same wavelength today, Lynn! My hubby cleaned a bunch of jalapenos and I stuffed them with cream cheese and shredded cheese, sprinkled with some chipotle powder and put them on the grill. Your recipe could be a meal in itself!!

  15. The perfect meal with an ice cold cerveza mas fina Lynn!

  16. Looks good! I am inviting you to come and be part of my blog hop:

  17. Oh my, would you mind making a few for me? They look so delicious...I can't wait until our peppers are ready to pick. Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

  18. My, you share the most tasty and scrumptious looking foods here :) Want to try these!

  19. This is a very nice chicken dish. Would you be happy to link it in to my Chicken Edition of Food on Friday? This is the link

    1. Thanks for such a quick link up! Have a great weekend.

  20. You are so creative with the jalapeno stuffings, Lynn! I love this.

  21. This looks really good. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Hi Lynn,
    Those peppers have my name on them, I could make a whole meal with that plate of awesome peppers. Hope you are having a great holiday week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  23. These sound delicious! We love jalapenos! I always buy a big bag at the dollar store and have lots leftover, so I'm looking for more ways to use them. Thanks for a great recipe Lynn!! xo, Andrea

  24. Thank you so much for this recipe. I am growing jalapenos in a pot on my deck and have about a dozen waiting to be picked. This sounds delicious, so I'm going to give it a try.


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