
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pig Sty Cake-Sharing A Little Bloggy Love

OMG I love this cake! It's totally adorable and truly shows how creative our Bloggy Community is!
How fun are these fondant pigs... and the one in front with the tail sticking up??? Too stinkin' cute!
I saw this at Amy's Cooking Adventures and just had to share...
Click the link for the recipe and instructions to make the pigs, you know you want to:@)
Keep smiling and have a happy day!


  1. Those look like some happy pigs in mud...Where have I heard that before?

    That is way toooo cute! xo

  2. What cute little piggies! Are they Earl's cousins??

  3. That is the cutest darn cake I've seen in awhile and, yes, the tail-up piggy is the tops. Thanks for sharing!

  4. OMGoodnessSSS!!! I am going to have to share this with a friend of mine who is the fondant queen. She is going to love this. It is so cute! Thanks for sharing! :))

  5. It has your name written all over it! I has my name too. My first name is Chocolate and my last name is Cake. (My middle name is Pigout, but let's not go there.)

  6. That has your name all over it!!!! Love it.

  7. The pigs with their tails are adorable! The cake looks luscious. Shouldn't, but I'm gonna go check out the recipe....

  8. THAT has to be the most adorable cake, EVER>
    Of COURSE you love it. :))
    hugs, bj

  9. TOO CUTE!!! And The cake DOES look Yummy too!!!
    Big Hugs,

  10. What a clever cake! The little piggies are too cute. :-)

  11. Thank you so much for the shout out! I'm glad you enjoyed my little piggies!

  12. Some days I feel like wallowing in chocolate too...Oh to be a little piggy on this adorable cake. Thanks for sharing it here Lynn. You're right I want to concoct some pink piggies.

  13. Okay -- that little piggy-butt sticking straight up is over-the-top. That cake is a hoot!! Thanks for sharing Lynn :)


  14. What a great cake! Love the piggies! Wish I could cook worth a darn! LOL....
    hugs, Linda

  15. This is adorable! Fondant is like clay and so moldable..I just wish it taste better, but with a cake like this it is used perfectly! I'd want to save those pigs and display them as long as they lasted ;)


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!