
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday Centus!

Hey everyone, time for Saturday Centus! This week instead of a word prompt Mizz Jenny gave us this pic.

I can relate, can you?

To say it's hot is an understatement,
Just look at what's frying on the pavement:@)

Have a happy day!


  1. I can relate too. It has been a 100 or more for the whole month of July here! Even at 10 at night it can still be 90 plus...what a summer.

  2. Ugh. Here in my part of Texas it has been triple digits with no rain for weeks. I am so ready for rain even if it means humidity!

  3. Great job !
    I'm with you on this heat...God bless the inventors of A/C !

  4. hot, hot, hot!! it will all make cool, cool, cool feel soooo much better...peace and blessings

  5. If you sit down on the sidewalk and smell bacon, jump up! We're staying indoors around here.

  6. The summer started out so stunningly beautiful... well at least we had gorgeous weather until the middle of July.
    Hopefully we will have a cooler September!
    Stay Cool! I am not leaving the house today.

  7. The egg looks good but I wouldn't want to eat it. Our weather in New England is not so bad right now. But as the saying goes. "Give it a minute and it will change."

  8. I can't remember a summer this hot in quite a while! I feel like the wicked witch I'm melting, I'm melting....

  9. Even early morning walks are no fun! Trying to remember January and February!! Good point....

  10. I am really tired of 90-100 every day with no relief in sight :(

  11. We're finally cooling down this week!
    The whole month of July, I can relate to that egg.

  12. Has she tried frying them on her engine block yet? HA!

  13. We've had higher than normal temps here, too! Someday I'm going to try this!

  14. HaHa! Well done! (And I guess the egg is too.)

  15. This is just TOO funny. The sad things is that it could happen her in the middle Georgia. WE are frying in our own juices!

    Great take.


  16. Same here in Kentucky. I just HAD to transplant a few mini sunflowers and black-eyed Susan vines yesterday evening because the Farmer's Almanac said it was the last good day for a while. I spent a total of an hour, perhaps a hour and a half in the yard, and it was unbelievably hot. I did not have one stitch of dry clothing on when I came in. This is the hottest summer I can remember in a very long time. I may try the egg trick today. Stay cool!

  17. And here in Florida ... you took the thoughts right out of my head!

    Took a picture of our thermometer yesterday at 100 degrees, and that does not include the feels like temp.

  18. Lynn, this heat wave has been no yolk, I mean no joke!! Staying in with the a/c (ugh), and not wanting to see my electric bill! xo,

  19. We sure can relate to THIS...:)

  20. Throw down some pig and we'll be right over!~Ames

  21. Hoo, you know that's right! Our Tropical Storm Don went further South and ended up being a dud for us...sure could have used the rain.

  22. Ha! I think she must have come over to my house and plopped that egg on my driveway! :) It's hot hot everywhere I do believe.
    I'm so excited you'll come to my party. You might consider sneaking Earl into one of your snaps! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. I know!..and I love it...way better than the heavy rains...!

  24. Hi lovely lady.
    I can relate to the Heat also. It has been a 100 or more this month of July. I can not take my Sophie for a walk the sidewalk's are to HOT at 7:00 pm. I was hoping Don would help us out !!! NO WAY HE WAS a dud~~~ I did some Pillsbury biscuits on the engine block in Reynolda Aluminum foil this was fun. my engine was like a oven..
    XXOO Diane

  25. Hahaha! We did this as kids on a rock! I LOVE the hot will be over before we know it.
    Enjoy it while you can.

  26. Im almost looking forward to winter ~sigh~

  27. I can relate!

    All that needs is a little salt and pepper.

  28. Oh how cute - it is a little cooler in Colorado but I drove home from Missouri last weekend and yes - very hot across Kansas!

  29. Thank you for visiting and your sweet comment. Love this photo ... and yes, it has definitely been that hot around here too!! xo HHL

  30. I can definitely relate to that picture! You probably shouldn't let Earl outside unless you've got barbecue sauce ready. :)

  31. This picture says it all!
    Hot, Hot, Hot!


  32. You said it for everyone so nicely and succinctly.

    PS How callous of me to refer to shvitzing/sweating like a pig. I bet pigs don't even sweat, not like humans anyway. Please accept my apologies. =)


  33. Great job. I'm actually kind of glad that we have only been in the high 90's. I feel sorry for all of you that have been over 100 lately.l

  34. Brief and to the point! Here we're enjoying 20 degrees c. and the first hint of Spring.

  35. way too hot! ozone levels are bad, too. waiting for relief to come!

  36. Saw on the news someone cooking a steak on the dashboard of a car! Don't need to be reminded how hot it has been!

  37. Here, on the West Coast, it has been cool and cloudy all month ... we have had about 4 days of sun ... as depressing as it is i enjoy it more than extreme heat.

  38. Seems like most of the country is suffering with this least we can get breakfast out of it once in a while!

  39. Hot sure is the word...kinda enjoying it now there is a bit of a breeze!

  40. You're right. Saying it's hot is an understatement. Good job with the Centus. laurie

  41. Just the thing to read on a sweltering AZ August morning! ha

    This was cute!

    Good morning.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!