
Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Mothership Tomato Salad-Jamie Oliver

Hey everyone! I'm joining I Heart Cooking Clubs, Jamie Oliver is the chef and this week's theme is We Be Chillin'. We can pick any cold food recipe to make. I'm sure there are more than a few of us out there with some garden tomatoes right now, so I chose The Mothership Tomato Salad:
What makes this different than other tomato salads? I'd say the grated garlic and I used fresh oregano. 
Once again I find myself sitting at the keyboard, (oh so daintily) pigging out as I type:@)

The Mothership Tomato Salad
2 1/4lbs tomatoes
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper-I used Kosher salt
Good pinch dried oregano-I used fresh oregano
Red wine or balsamic vinegar-I used red wine
Extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic, peeled and grated
1 fresh red chile, seeded and chopped-I used a few shakes of crushed red pepper flakes

This is a "loosely written" recipe HERE but the picture with different colored tomatoes is beautiful!
  1. Cut tomatoes and add a good pinch of salt, stir, add another pinch of salt and stir again. Let sit in a colander to drain for 15 minutes, throw out liquid.
  2. In a large bowl mix tomatoes, oregano and make a dressing using 1 part vinegar to 3 parts olive oil, the garlic and chile. Drizzle with enough dressing to coat everything nicely. I had less than a pound of tomatoes and used 1 Tblsp vinegar and 3 tblsp oilive oil, also adjusted the garlic and oregano.
  3. Jamie suggests serving it with mozzarella and ciabatta bread. I just suggest trying it!
Have a happy day:@)

I'm also joining:
Seasonal Sunday
On The Menu Monday


  1. are some of your comments being diverted into spam? i had a couple go there, but haven't noticed ones missing from my email (but i've not really checked the 'comments' one by one).

  2. I noticed that new blogs I am following don't appear on my dashboard. I haven't been able to tell about email as I haven't had any go to spam.

  3. I made that salad a couple years's wonderful!

  4. This looks so yummy! You are the bloggy chef ! I love your look over here these days! Anne

  5. The salad looks lovely! I could pig out on that all day! I think I would add some onion instead of the chile. I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to hot.

    I was having problems with mine, but it was my email server not my blog.

  6. This looks so good. I love home grown tomatoes and, unfortunately, it has gotten too hot here and I have to buy the grocery store variety with no taste. But, I'm going to try this recipe anyway!!!!!

  7. Love your salad Lynn~ especially with the fresh oregano!

  8. Mmmm, love tomato salad too! I'll have to add some Balsamic to mine! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. It looks wonderfully delicious, Lynn...Christine

  10. My mouth is watering just looking at it. SO FRESH!

  11. Lynn, It looks delicious! Isn't it great having fresh vegetables? One of the best things about summer!

  12. Your tomato salad looks fantastic. Nothing like garden fresh tomatoes!

  13. I love fresh tomatoes and this recipe looks soooo good. YUM!

  14. One of my favorite dishes, tomato anything.....This past month we have been feasting on home grown tomatoes from family and friends and this looks like a great recipe. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope your enjoying your summer.

    The French Hutch

  15. This really looks good, Lynn.

    I haven't noticed anything missing in my email. I check Blogger spam about 3 times a week and empty it.
    If it's not one thing, tho, it's another, seems like. Guess Blogger is so stinkin' big, there will always be a few problems.:)

  16. Love everything that Jamie does, so I'm not surprised this is the mother ship tomato salad.

  17. Wonderful! Anything with fresh tomatoes this time of year is my favorite.

    I seem to be missing some comments. I see them on my email briefly and never see them again and I have checked comments on blogger....

  18. The salad looks delicious!!! I love that first picture! What lens did you use?

    Happy Sunday!

  19. What a great looking salad.. sound delicious.. on firefox, no missing comments in emails and I have no spam.. sure wish I could help you..
    happy sunday, xo marlis

  20. Mmmm...perfect summer salad! I love that first picture (totally Mothership-y) ;). So glad you joined us at IHCC this week!

  21. Lynn,
    Love this salad. I make something similar, but with shortcuts...
    Tomatoes, fresh herbs, Italian dressing......and then....Then...grate Fresh Parmesan over the top.
    Oh goodness, it's good. Esp. with the parm.
    I think I'll have a tomato salad for lunch today, now!

  22. Lynn, my DH would eat this salad as a side dish with his supper every single night of the summer! I make it the same way you did, sans the red pepper flakes. Remember, I'm a wimp when it comes to hot stuff.

    Can't help you with the email question but you've just given me another reason to be happy I'm NOT on Facebook anymore.


  23. My mouth is actually watering...looks wonderful!

  24. I love watching Jamie cook on TV. He makes it so easy! Hmm. Maybe his chocolate mouse could count as a cold dish...I don't recall any heating in the menu ; )

  25. Yum! Can't wait till the garden tomatoes are ready!

  26. oh i'll have to try this, what a perfect summer salad and i just adore jamie oliver! isn't he the cutest?!!

  27. Wow, love the looks for this salad. When it comes to vine ripened tomatoes I think simple is best.

  28. I love your presentation. This is so beautiful to look at. I can't wait for the garden to start producing tomatoes like crazy so I can try this. :-) Heather

  29. With all the tomatoes I am going to have from the garden, I'll be using them in every possible way.

  30. i just love coming here...the salad looks far as the comments/spam...i am clueless..i am not too good on this computer...can't beleive i have gotten this far to tell you the truth...

    always a pleasure to visit with you, my friend

    kary and teddy

  31. Fabulous photos and presentation of the salad, deserves a book, maybe you'll make your!! My hubby's fav is tomato salad, so thanks for this, he's going to love it! Lots of hugs. FABBY

  32. That looks beautiful and yummy! I have TONS of tomatoes right now and need help using them up. Thanks for the recipe!

  33. This sounds like a wonderful salad and perfect for tomato season. I love the space effect in the first shot.

    I haven't had any issues with comments. Sometimes, I'll get a spam comment by email but the spam filter works well and they never show up on my blog.

  34. Very cool picture!
    I have this recipe bookmarked--looks fantastic.

  35. What a great presentation. This is what I need to eat right now. Sounds so delicious!!

  36. This sounds yummy.

    I haven't notice this problem, but I will check it out.

    Have a wonderful week!

  37. Welcome to IHCC--we are happy to have you cooking along with us. ;-)

    This is the perfect summer salad. Love the first picture with the special effects.

  38. I love the anme of this salad, Lynn! "Motherload" is about right when everyone's tomato plants begin producing! It looks summer time delicious :)

    Yes, I've had some comments not show up in my e-mail from time to time..I always thought it was a AOL issue. I'd love to change my e-mail to a better service but the thought of changing everything I subscribe to that way makes me cringe, so I leave it alone.

  39. Oh this is salad on a plate! So fresh and yummy!
    Thank you for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY and bringing us this summer favorite recipe!

  40. Your and Jamie's salad looks delicious. Love how you used the oregano with it's flowers. Very pretty presentation.

  41. I'm so glad that you found us at IHCC so that we could find your site. I love your blog name, too cute! The pictures of your tomato salad are absolutely gorgeous. I think this salad celebrates tomatoes perfectly and I love that it has just a touch of grated garlic.

  42. What a beautiful salad! Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
    Miz Helen

  43. Beautiful! What a great way to celebrate tomato season. And I love that first pic - wild!

  44. These look delicious. There is nothing like lucious tomatoes and you look like you've brought them to their peak.

    Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays. So sorry it's taken me so long to visit.

    - The Tablescaper

  45. Looks delish!

    We'd love you to share your recipes with us at

    Simply Delish Saturday


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!