
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Around the Yard

Hey everyone-Happy 1st Day of Summer! I'm excited because Michaele of Sprout 'N' Wings Farm visited a winery and they said that grapes don't need much rain, they can live off the moisture they received over winter... well, with last winter's snow fall I should have some mammoth grapes!!!
These really aren't my grapes, my neighbor planted them on the fence long before I moved in,
but he loves to get the jam I make:@)

Some pretty portulaca, great colors!
I planted thyme in a barrel this year, both regular and lemon.
It seems very happy!
Gonna have to start cooking with some:@)
Have a happy day! 



  1. Now I really am curious what you cook with portulaca. Exactly why I like reading your blog!

  2. Lovely sun rose..... Will be interested to see what you cook with the thyme I grow it too and most of it doesn't get used but I love the scent.Rosemary

  3. WOW! What a pretty place : ) First day of summer, huh? Boy, S. TX sure must have missed the date...feels like we are in late summer around here ; (

  4. Lynn,
    I love thyme. I shall perhaps grow some someday. I used to have a great grape arbor and made lots of jelly and juice. Loved it.
    Happy Summer!

  5. Your garden is so nice and you grow such a nice variety of things. I haven't seen grapes in a backyard since I was a little girl, my father and grandfather grew grapes. xo,

  6. Thanks for the sidebar ad for my giveaway!!! Appreciate it!!! ((((hugs))))) xo

  7. First day of Summer!!! Wow!!! It's the coolest day we have had in three weeks. LOL!!! Mother Texas Nature sure has a strange sense of humor!!! Love your garden...especially the grapes with the idea of JAM!!!

  8. Love all the colors of your yard! I can't wait to see what you use the thyme in. Everything looks so lovely!

  9. I love picking grapes off the vine and eating them. They do also make excellent jellies and jam. This may have been the official first day of summer, but ours started several weeks ago This is the first day we have not been in the 100's in a long time.

  10. I've planted portulaca for the first time this year. It's a really pretty little flower, isn't it?

  11. I can't decide what I like best? The grapes, the pie ....:o)

  12. I love thyme! I don't use it to cook but I have several varieties in the garden. Beautiful colors of portulaca! Jean

  13. I've been thinking about planting some grapes. I like your portulaca and herbs.

  14. I love your thyme! I grow several different varieties. Yummmm.....

  15. Your graphes are looking so good!

  16. wow.. grapes. I bet your neighbor does love the jam! Everything is growing nice.
    happy 2nd day of summer. : )

  17. I have honestly never heard of lemon thyme. That sounds so interesting. I have to google it now.

  18. Lynn, Your Portulaca is so pretty and a good
    "do-er". It always reminds me of my grandmother's porch where she had pots of it growing. I don't know why I haven't planted any. Love the thyme. It's so pretty and is that chamomile behind it?
    Hope you're having a good second day of Summer,

  19. I was just lookin at my grapes the other day, they are doin great, cant wait to make jelly. I've got some rosemary I need to start cookin with & I'll dry it for winter.

  20. Love the colors of the portulaca, I have some ready to plant since all my annuals are looking ready to be pulled out. It's time for some more heat tolerant annuals. Your thyme is looking great. I love using my thyme and all my herbs when I cook.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  21. Beautful place!! Grapes and the portulaca, just wonderful! I know you're going to have a great summer, awesome, times! Thyme dries perfectly and I always enjoy the smell, nice in the winter on a leg of lamb, yeh, I love lamb, not many do. I just made some jelly with strawberries and blueberries for my grandgirls, they love anything red, or blue! Lots of hugs. FABBY

  22. Such happy plantings... Grapes? How much fun is that??

    Blessings, Debbie

  23. Hello Lynn,
    tha grapes look fabulous and so lok the happy colors of the portulacas.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  24. Love the grapes picture! And I bet your jam is delicious! What a lucky neighbor! :)

  25. what a beautful garden,, I'm commenting late, I've been reading your past posts, I'm your newest follower,

  26. I would thyme in a barrel is better than time in a bottle any day. Hugs, Ginger


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!